We woke up kind of late this morning but we did manage to go to Milberger's before it got too hot!
However, before we left Charlie was determined to sneak outside!!

And hide in those stupid bushes in front of the house!!
Luckily CC was there to pull him out!

was not thrilled!!
It was hard just to get him up the stairs...

CC and I both got hissed at....
He took his temper tantrum out on Toby when he sulked back into the house.
Toby was just looking out the door to see what was going on
and Charlie sprang up and laid it all out on him.
Poor thing...Toby fell trying to figure out what was going on!

But we made it to Milbergers just in time....
We took our time looking around at all the pretty flowers
and landscapes they created.
I plan to show those photos on Pink Saturday.
So on with our fall photos.....

There was an adorable rustic wooden bench that was
perfect for photos...

And CC found this giant pumpkin....

What was my sweet Lena pointing to?

Two sweet little kitties roaming around the nursery....

When we went on Sunday evening this lady was covered up...

So we made our way through the "graveyard" and into the hay maze.
There were lots of the scary guys flying around above us...

This is one of my favorite pictures of Lena today

I love the way this photo looks in black and white...

My CC making her way through the maze...

My Lena-poo

Another great rustic wooden bench at the end of the maze...

And another giant pumpkin

CC edited this photo herself!

Me and my Lena in a 1960's style photo

Me and my CC... she is seriously growing up too fast!!
It won't be long before she doesn't want to do
things like this with me.
What will I do then?
I don't know.

CC as Lucy....
And Lena as Lucy....
neither girl wanted to be Charlie Brown!!
Lena on the giant pumpkin.....

My beautiful CC
Navigating her way out of the maze....

and my Lena too....

A few more quick pics before we left...

We actually walked through this tunnel that clearly said
It was the tunnel for the Train of Terror...
but it was only in operation Saturday and Sundays
so I figured we were safe!

After Milberger's we went to Wal-Mart.
I picked up this beautiful climbing rose...
It's coral and smells so good!
I can't wait to get it in the ground.
We also bought one large and two small pumpkins...
I didn't feel like carving them because.....
I made Taco Norteno's..
It's so good but alot of work. At least more than I want to do after a busy day...
but I did it!
You toast a tortilla on both side after you stuff it with refried beans, fajita meat
and quesadilla cheese...

Add some sliced avacados... lightly sprinkled with salt..

And of course a little sour cream...

Oh man this is good.... this is another meal everyone in the house likes!!

The girls are now in bed.. I was kind enough to let them take the trash out and clear the table...
I think now is a good time to catch up on my blogs and watch a little DVR'd shows!!
How has your Tuesday been?