So what have I been doing this past month..besides spending alot of extra time blogging????
Spending lots of snuggle time with this angel. I love when he cries at my legs to pick him up and then he snuggles his sweet little head in my neck or beside my ear. I love to hear him snore when he puts his nosey in my ear. He recently started sleeping beside me at night. Usually he would lay on my tummy for a while then move down to my feet or to the top of my pillow and suck on my hair. Now he sleeps beside me and it feel sooooo good!
Another thing I have been so happy to do is ....CLEAN!!!
The bathrooms are cleaned.. my closet is 3/4 clean (I just need Papa Bear to go through his side, or his 1/4!), the tea sets are out of my bedroom and I started on the laundry room yesterday. I eventually want to paint the laundry room and add some shelves in there.
Now that I'm home I have been more on top of the girls homeschooling... I prepare their homework on Sunday night and am actually HERE to help them do it!!
You cannot even imagine how good that feels!!! I love homeschooling my girls. They learn so fast in that one-on-one environment. They love to take "field trips" to Sonic for happy hour!
And I've even ventured into crafts... this is a fuzzy flip flip we've been making. I made one flip flop for each girl. I guess I need to finish the other ones! Ha!
And as I've said before I am spending so much more time with my Lena. She is such a sweet, amazing, kind hearted girl.
I am realizing how much I have really missed out on learning about her and who she is when I worked so much. It depresses me. And she is so happy to have me home. She constantly comes up and hugs me or kisses me. Her little arms feel so good around my neck! I love her more than words can say!
It's been fun and wonderful spending time with CC and relieving her of household duties. She is finally able to be a teenager and sleep and relax. It's fun to watch her and Lena bond and chase each other and giggle and share secrets! I love what a good and sweet girl CC is...and she's so responsible! I hope those traits stay with her as she goes through life.
So, this past month has been wonderful. I do help Papa Bear with his work and I enjoy doing it. At times it seems I stay busier here than I did working. I get to sleep as late as I want, which usually is never past 8,but hey, it's better than waking up at 4:30a.m.!!
I'm so glad that you are able to stay at home. The food looks great. If you ever need to ship leftovers somewhere, let me know and I will send you my address. Ha!
I wish I could stay at home, but I'm insuring the entire family for $200/month - it would cost hubby close to $1,000/month.
First of all, stay at home moms are busy. They work more hours than at an outside job for sure. Because you are home, people expect more from you, because you are home. To top that, you are homeschooling the girls.....that is really impressive. my younger sister did that for awhile with her 2 sons. I just never thought I could do that very well. I am not a math or science kind of gal and was afraid that I might do my daughter a disservice. It killed me not to be able to be home when Elizabeth was little. If I had it to do all over again, I would stay home. Good for you. Although I understand that the choice wasn't yours for leaving work. It seems that you are making the best of a situation. I am sure that your daughters are really benefitting from your being home. So that is a good thing. Their smiles in the photos show that. Thank you also for your kind words of support, they really helped to make a bad day better. Thank you April.
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