Ok. My neighbor and I have always been civil. We have had "disagreements" but 80% of the time things are fine. They bought two maltipoos to breed and they started having babies left and right. Ok. No problem. They keep me up barking all night, they dig holes under the fence to get to my backyard for food and water. Not the dogs fault.... it's the owners fault. Ok. One night one of the dogs got out, as usual. My daughter got it, bathed it... it was so matted it was ridiculous. So my daughter cleaned it and cut the mats out. I placed the mats on my neighbors driveway so they could see this and realize they need to take better care of their dogs. The next morning the mats were thrown in my front yard. I AM TRYING TO HELP YOUR DOGS!!! Ok. Lately my neighbor, let's call him Jay, has been letting his dogs out in the morning when we are at work and allows them to poopy all over my front yard. NASTY!!! So I picked up all the poopy and placed it in a pile by Jay's driveway. Not my dogs and not my responsibility to clean up after them. I went for my evening walk and he popped out from behind his car, like he usually does, scaring the you know what out of me, and told me it's too hot for me to be walking. Whatever! Not his business! Then...... (irritating part)........ when I walk up my walkway by my front door he placed two big dried up terds by the stairs to my front door! Can you imagine? Now when I came home from work there are three big fresh poopies in my yard .... again! What do I do? I am so sick of this! Have you ever had this kind of neighbor? If so how did you handle it?
I have tried calling my HOA and get no results from them. About a year ago Jay was putting his trash in front of my house. Sometimes he would wait in his car and when the trashtruck came he would actually help them put the trash in...because so much of it was his! One day I was walking in my home and I smelled an awful smell coming from his garage. I told CC I bet it's full of trash. Sure enough the next trash day he put 12.. that's right... 12 bags of trash in front of my house. I called the HOA again.. and the waste management co. and they told me he hadn't paid his trash bill in over a year!!! Imagine that! They sent him a letter and the next trash day he's sitting in his car waiting for me and jumps out and asks me, "You got a problem with me putting my trash in front of your house?" I told him I did. I pay for my trash and it's not fair I get charged extra for excessive amounts of trash. And you know what he told me??? He said, "Well no one else ever got charged extra when I put my trash in front of their house!" Imagine that!!! The nerve of him! Eventually he started walking his trash across the street to another neighbors house until they moved. I guess he finally paid his bill because now they pick it up.
Anyway! Any suggestions? What would you do? I am about to really give it to him!
Vintage French Country Lamp in Décor
1 day ago
Your HOA really isn't helping you?!? That is insane!!! Does the town you live in have leash laws? If so, the next time his dogs get out I would call the pound. I know that is not an ideal situation for a dog but small dogs (especially full breeds) will be adopted quickly!!! This guy has some nerve though!! If nothing else....LET HIM HAVE IT!!! Poop (from his dogs) on your door step is just plain crazy!!!
BTW...I found you via the recipe hop from Kelly's Korner!!! What small town in Tx are you from? I graduated from Brock (there were 32 in my senior class!!!!).
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