I can't believe it's the last weekend of November! This month...this year has seriously flown by! I don't think I've really had a moment to process everything. Yesterday my mom, me and the girls and Luigi loaded the car and went down to Ashley's new house for Thanksgiving.

We were a bit nervous taking Luigi on a 1.5 hour trip each way...the farthest he's gone is the park and Mom's house. But he did perfect!! We stopped at Buc-ee's mid-way to let him have a small potty break.

From Buc-ee's we went through Gonzales and entered Shiner. Shiner is such an old, true small town and I love the simple decorations they have. They haven't changed since I was a little girl.

I'm not sure why that picture above came out so dark....

Through Shiner we drove towards
Hallettsville. I haven't been there in years! The population is 2,345. Very small. Maybe a few smaller than Shiner. My niece just graduated from nursing school and bought a house there. We are so excited for her! Driving in the country you mostly see this on the sides of the roads.

I did see an oil rig and had to pull over to take a photo of that!

There were also tons of hay bales but they were on the opposite side of the road and I didn't feel like turning back around. Those are actually cows in the background.

We finally made it to Ashley's house. Luigi was super happy to be out of the car.

Ashley's sweet little girl Camilla.

And her oldest, Ariana.

There is an auction for livestock right across the street. Luigi was picking up all kinds of scents there. To say he loved it would be an understatement!

He took many, many walks over there.

In Ashley's yard they have two horses. Lena was mesmerized by them. She couldn't get enough!

I knew it was bound to happen. Edgar, Ashley's husband, saddled the calmest horse and let Lena ride. I was so nervous but Lena was so ready!

I made a quick video and I've caught her many times today watching it. My brother is brainwashing her to beg us for a horse.... not gonna happen! Our
HOA expects us to keep cats on leashes...I can only imagine what they would do with a horse in my backyard!

I loved the foliage changing colors in her yard. You know I had to capture that!

We needed ice so CC and I ran to one of the little gas stations to get it. While we were out I told her I would drive her through there downtown (their courthouse). I took pictures so you could go with us! (It's only one block!) As soon as we entered the circle we saw a family taking what I am assuming holiday card photos in the gazebo of the courthouse lawn.

The courthouse is just beautiful. During the holidays they have it outlined with small white lights. It's so pretty! And everyday at lunch time the town's fire station rings the alarm and the courthouse bell strikes twelve times. I literally slammed on the breaks the first time that happened when I was driving there. I had NO idea what was going on!

One side of the city block...these buildings are well over 100 years old.

This is the only movie theatre in
Hallettsville. And it only shows one movie. Does it surprise you that it's a kids cartoon? And I can guarantee you it's not 3D!

Another old building facing the courthouse. I love the wood above the windows. I love the age of the building. Buildings like this can't be replicated. You can't replicate the weathering and age and beauty. I guess I am partial to this since I grew up in the next small town ten miles from

This will complete our tour of their downtown. We have now come full circle!

Back at the courthouse. I love the gazebo.

Since it was now empty, CC and Luigi posed for some pictures.

This post has so many pictures I was thinking about breaking it up into two parts....but I am just too tired for that!
Here is my brother Tony in the
background, Lena, Mom and CC.

My brother Tony.

Tony and Mom...he always has to make some kind of funny face!

He is such a wonderful man! He is raising his two boys alone. He has been for many years. He cooks, cleans, keeps a spotless house, works on cars..you name it! He needs a good wife!
Luigi loved being inside. He got tons of attention. And he was so well behaved. He never once tried to beg for
anyone's food and take from their plate. He just laid down and relaxed!

My sister Lisa (
Tren and Quin's mom), my mom and Tony. Ashley's house is older. And I love the old details it has. There is beautiful crown moldings, french doors, all windows and doors are framed and the bathroom and here in the dining room there are adorable built-ins.

Lena and
Tren...tummy's full and taking a break.

Quin and Ernie watching the Cowboys play.

Then the cold front came in. CC ran in and told me, "Mom the sky is so pretty I HAVE to take a picture!" This is no editing...this is exactly how the sky was!

Tony asked me if I wanted to go to his house and see our old cat we gave him. He LOVES cats...he has two. He also has two dogs and a goat.... I wish I would have gotten a picture of that. Ashley also came with us. He was helping her clean out some heaters that came with her house.

Tony holding his baby
Meeko...or as he renamed him...

Luigi had so much fun playing with all the kids. That's probably the most excitement he's ever had in one day! However, I think he did get annoyed with all the noise, our house is pretty quiet. He tricked us into going outside and when I opened the car door to put my cell phone on the charger he jumped in the car and wouldn't get out! He hopped over to the back seat and plopped down. After prodding and begging he came out but he wasn't happy!

My nephew Ethan broke his leg playing football and this is Quin..he hurt his ankle playing basketball I think! He was thinking of quitting anyway because it puts too much stress on his knees and he's already been scouted for college football!

Luigi was ready to go home. Before we even made it into Shiner he was passed out in the back seat snoring. And releasing gas. Ashley made him a big plate of food before we left and man, did we suffer on the way home!

CC and I ran to the gas station and I saw they had smoked Janak's sausage. Papa Bear always asks me to bring him smoked sausage ..and lotto tickets. So I decided to buy me one too. My five dollar ticket won us $50 and his ten dollar ticket won us $100!! We were soooo excited!
We had a great, wonderful time. Mom reminded me that if I had been working it would have been so hard for me to go on this mini-trip because normally I would have had to wake up at 4:30 this morning to go to work! I had honestly forgotten about that! I did wake up early this morning anyway..bad dream! And it was so darn cold in the house.. outside temp was 32 and my darling CC got hot in the night and put the air conditioner on!!!
So I used to moment to do some online shopping.... I wouldn't dare venture out into Black Friday chaos! I made coffee, put the heater BACK on, sat in my pj's and shopped from the comfort of my living room! Very nice! And I got some good bargains. No one knows I did it so it will be a nice surprise for them when the boxes are dropped off at my door! Gotta love that free shipping!
So Papa Bear is out with the guys, Luigi is sleeping on CC's bed, Charlie's on the ottoman and Toby is laying on the computer desk with his legs laying over the keyboard as I type this. I think I will use this time to watch some TV.....