This past weekend was non-stop busy!!
Friday during the day we cleaned house like mad women. I helped Lena in her room which was long overdue for a good cleaning. We were in there at least two hours and threw away two large trash bags full of junk! I found bags stuffed with clean folded clothes. They all were put on hangers. I also found tons of dirty clothes stuffed in corners, box, behind her name it. You could really tell there was no mommy around for quite some time while I was working. I am slowly but surely getting things in order!
My friend Georgina invited me to her mothers house Friday afternoon to celebrate her mother getting her citizenship. She told me about it a couple of weeks ago but I forgot that it was this Friday. So after deliveries we rushed home, picked up some appetizers and roses and headed over to Dolores' house.
They hired a DJ with all Spanish karaoke. Needless to say I wasn't singing. But I had a great time watching everyone else sing and dance!

Gina, Dolores and Dolores' friend

Me and Gina

Alba (Gina's sister) and Nani singing...
My CC posing...

And there she is again....

Lena and my CC

My beautiful babies... they had so much fun!!

I really wasn't expecting to stay too long but we ended up having such a great time we didn't leave til midnight. Oh, and Dolores made my favorite..chicharonnes...they were exceptional!!!
Saturday we stayed in most of the day. The girls and I went to Sonic and then to a new model home. We had to come home early because it was Lisa's party that night. She had it at the Bean Sprout Chinese restaurant. Everything was sooooo good!
Here is Lisa, me and Christine.... I think you can tell by the picture that I was the only one not drinking...hahahaha!

We had Chinese buffet and some Russian salads and appetizers.

My beautiful Lena....

Papa Bear came and sat next to Lena. I siezed the opportunity to photograph them together.

Pictures of Papa Bear are rare...even more rare is him posing for a pic!!

CC and Jenny... they were running off all night giggling and gossiping. They both had great fun and now Jenny wants CC to go see Justin Bieber with her. GREAT!! I hope I don't have to chauffer...I will NOT enjoy that!!!

This was my fortune. I couldn't help but wonder if that has anything to do with my losing my job and maybe where I should go from here.....

Me outside...again...all these pictures were taken with my cell phone.

I need to break out my camera. Here is Lena and me!

Me again....

And me with CC

Papa Bear singing. I brought my karaoke machine but no one really sang except for the kids and Emil! Ha!!

Nick, Lena and Sergey acting silly!

LaTricia and me. I met LaTricia at one of Lisa's girls night in. She used to work with Lisa and she is just such a good person with a beautiful, good heart. I love her! I enjoy spending time with her just talking and catching up. I wish we could get together more often!

Lisa and LaTricia....

We left the party around 11:30. Came home and went to bed. The girls and I woke up early to go to the meeting Sunday morning and then we all had Mexican for lunch. I laid down and took nap. We did a quick cleaning of the house when I woke up, went to the library, came home and cooked tortilla encrusted talapia with steamed white rice and pickled asparagus. I had the girls in bed by ten.
After cleaning the kitchen yet again I laid down and went to bed.
I stayed up late preparing their homework.
Staying home has been very busy and non-stop. But I love it and wouldn't change it for the world!!!