They were soooo delicious. I was lazy (it was a long week) and bought a container of potatoe salad and baked beans for our fixings.

I had been promising the kids I would take then to miniature golf since Tren got to our house.... So Friday night after dinner I loaded up the kiddos and went.

Look how close I came!!!

We didn't get home until midnight! Boy was I exhausted! I'm not used to staying up that late!
Saturday we stayed home all day and enjoyed just being lazy!
Sunday we took Tren to his first Starbucks experience.

He LOVED it! He said he wished he could go there everyday!

Argentina was playing in the World Cup that day. CC was wearing her Maradona jersey showing her support!

I even let CC take a picture of me!

It's funny how I chase them around all day trying to get pictures but never let them take a picture of me.
After Starbucks we took Tren on our favorite weekend past-time... Models homes!! This was our favorite kitchen.

I took this picture to try and persuade Papa Beat to go look at the house...no luck yet! When we were finished we took Tren to my mom so they could spend some time together before he left.
This week was a wet one. Alex brought lots and lots of rain. And it appears to stay through next week, so this will be one wet three-day holiday weekend. It's perfect for staying home in pj's, drinking coffee and watching old movies!
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