One thing CC and I did do was JUST DANCE......the Wii game... The girls always get surprised when I can kick their booties dancing. I try to tell them I haven't always been old and fat!! This was one of CC's favorite dances on there, Iko Iko, and as you can see..... I beat her!!

Toby was sleeping so sweetly on my bed I had to snap a picture.

On Sunday us girls were in Austin. We always stop at this particular gas station and it says Gruene, Texas is just down the street. So we drove and drove and drove. We didn't find Gruene, at least I don't think we did, but we did find the Guadalupe River and we found this cute street near it.
My niece's daughter, Arianna, came to stay with us for a week or so. She was with Mom last night and I picked up her this morning.

Today we had to take Mom to the imaging center to get another MRI on her back. While we were waiting this little lady started to talking to us. She talked to everyone. And she was burping and burping. Arianna almost died when the lady took her last dose of banana flavored medicine and shoved the cup in Ari's face and asked her if she wanted to smell it. It was quite funny!

The girls were getting a bit bored here at home so I took them to the new library that opened up a block away from our house. Walking trails are located behind the library. It's quite pretty!

Of course the girls wanted to go off The mother in me wanted to tell them "no" but the kid in me remembered how it was to be that age and even though it wasn't a big part off track it did look pretty and interesting and I would have wanted to go to! So I let them go. I tagged right behind.

Arianna, Lena and CC

Ari walking to the top.

They made it!!

On the way down I saw this cactus. For some reason I love to photograph cactus. I just really like to. Don't' know why!

After we wore ourselves out walking in the 111 degree heat index we were all ready to head inside the air conditioned library!

We saw cute wall art inside. It's really a nice library.

Arianna simply idolizes CC. She can't keep her hands off of CC. She's her little shadow.

I left the girls at the library. This was a HUGE first for me. I have NEVER left my girls anywhere alone. EVER!!! Even Papa Bear was about to have a panic attack. But CC is 15 1/2 and I think it's time for them to try to venture out, not too far, and do some things with out us all the time. This 45 minutes at the library was a perfect start. And truth be told, I can almost guarantee you that's all it will be for a while. This momma needs baby steps! HA!!
Tonight I made spaghetti. Ari loves spaghetti. We are all exhausted from the heat! I need rain and I need it bad!! The girls are all in Lena's room watching Aquamarine, Papa Bear is on the laptop looking at the WSOP stats and I am about to pop in "The Tourist" and watch that. Tomorrow we are taking Ari to Austin with us. And maybe stop for cupcakes!
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