Yesterday, Friday, the 9
th, Mom, the girls and I went to our favorite antiques store in New
Red Rooster Antiques. I found lots of pretty goodies, but only came home with a depression glass vase. I was very disappointed that they remodeled and now the entire front room is all booths and tables and the actual floor space for displays has been reduced by more than half!
Anyway, I found really cute
transferware plates. I would love to start a collection with them but I know it could easily and quickly become an expensive habit! That little Aunt Jemima was a old plastic syrup bottle and it cost $125!!! I was shocked! I thought $10-$15 tops!

I'm really thinking the next time I drive through New
Braunfels I might have to run in to purchase these bottom two plates. I have no idea where I would put them but they are just so cute and I want them to come home with me. Really bad. Especially the one on the right, it reminds me of Doctor Zhivago!
After walking around Red Rooster we walked over to the Train Depot museum next door. CC and I had a scary experience there
last year so we didn't really get to walk through and enjoy it, but this time we did.
In the room where the huge train display is, this sign was posted.

Thank goodness the man working there was
much better than last time. He was an older gentleman that fit right in with his surroundings. He was fun to talk to!

Mom, CC, Lena and I walked back to see the trains. Last year there was only the caboose. This year there was the first engine, dining car, box car (that hasn't been opened yet) and the caboose.

It may sound crazy, but I have
always wanted to be a train conductor. I know it's not realistic but I think it would be so very,very fun! I was giddy with excitement when I saw I could stand where the conductors stand and even pull the rope for the bell! It was

Mom even joined in on the fun!

We then walked over to the dining car. The dining car can be rented out for parties... such a neat and original idea!!

There was a CD player inside and several big band and instrumental
CD's stacked beside it. It just looked like it would be so fun to have a party there.

I told Mom being in there made me want to take a train ride somewhere....anywhere!

Lena didn't seem to be enjoying it too much. She later told me she hadn't eaten anything all day and had a bad headache.

I was lucky to get one picture with Lena.... she is just not too into pictures. I think I may have scarred her by always having my camera on hand!

Mom really had fun in the dining car.

We walked over to the caboose. It was really neat. A sign posted inside said that if the conductors had to spend the night on the train they slept in the caboose. It also said the conductors would give signals by lantern to the those in the caboose to apply the break or speed up and slow down. The caboose was really neat, but like Lena said, it smelled like pee.

Me and CC. I
usually don't have too much trouble getting a picture
WITH CC. Taking a picture of her is quite a different story!

I loved this old wagon with old trunks piled on. It definitely gave a very nostalgic feel!

And as we were walking back to the car I snapped a picture of Mom and Lena.

We had a great time just spending time together. I have been so bogged down and busy with school that I have really had zero time to relax and enjoy myself. I told Mom and the girls that after my finals were finished this week I wanted to go to Red Rooster and waste time. We did just that. And we had a blast!