We went to the park and played soccer for a bit Friday.

Lena found this cute cactus circle...

After we were tired of playing soccer I took the kids over to play on the playground equipment. They had so much fun walking over this rope.

CC was a little hesitant at first. Lena was offering some help to her big sister.

But she finally made it!

SUCCESS!! All three across...

And they LOVED this wavy slide.

This boy had me so nervous doing all kinds of crazy...and I mean crazy things.....

We were all so hot from the park so we decided to go to Sonic and get some Root Beer Floats... they never go out of style. It was sooo good!
When it got cooler we all went for a walk. I absolutely LOVE this street light in our neighborhood. Only a few houses have them in the yard and unfortunately I'm not one of them. I wish I was though!

Again, these kids had me laughing. They were skipping and singing, "We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz..."

Then they decided to this dance....can't remember the name of it. But they were singing and dancing.... I absolutely love Lena's face here. It pretty much sums up how our visit with Tren has been!

Mom wanted to keep the kids and take them out to eat and to a movie (The Zookeeper). They had so much fun.

And she even made Chicken 'N Dumpling's for them....so, so good!

And she even made Chicken 'N Dumpling's for them....so, so good!

It has been so fun having Tren. I wish they lived closer so we could spend more time together! He is so super sweet and funny! Love him!!!
I was very disappointed with the little splash of rain Don brought yesterday. I was so hoping for a really hard, big, long, heavy downpour but instead got about 20 minutes of a steady rain...just enough to get my weeds growing! Tomorrow is August 1...the beginning of the Dog Day's of Summer. Oh man, I don't know if I'm ready for this. I need rain!!!