With no real plans on the agenda for Saturday I woke up early in the morning and went for a walk. I enjoy crisp, cool morning walks. It clears my head and
really gets me going! After my walk I came home and made breakfast pizza. It has become
every one's favorite around here. On Saturday's at the Pearl Brewery is a farmer's market. We went last year and I really enjoyed, so I called Mom, picked her up and we went over.

We got there kinda late but still managed some great deals! I was truly hoping for some fresh flowers but there were none. Maybe next time!!
There was a new extension to the San Antonio River that runs behind the brewery. This wasn't there last year when we went. I was surprised at how very pretty it was.
There were signs that said things like "Play in the grass" or "Dance in the park..." It was just so cute to see families all around relaxing on the grass, taking pictures, kids playing. I loved it!
Once it started to get near 90 degrees we headed back to the car. There was this old wooden bench outside a restaurant on the brewery. Lena and I loved it and she stopped to take a photo.
After the farmer's market we went to Ms. Lassen's house to pick up some beads. I always enjoy chatting with her. She is simply wonderful.
Later that evening CC and I went to my dear friend Gala's house for dinner. She is an amazing cook. I would have taken photo's but as usual with Gala the drinks were strong and I forgot to take any pictures. I have been so rushed and tense and busy and crazy lately I welcomed a nice drink with her. To be honest, I couldn't even finish one martini but it should relaxed me and we enjoyed hours of laughing and gossiping and being together. I love her so much. She has been a dear friend and confidant for more than ten years!! And she is hoping her son will marry my daughter. Lord knows they aggravate each other enough already!
Sunday we were back in Austin but stopped by Emil's friend Ilya's house. He has such a sweet family and they too home school with K12. It's always fun to meet other homeschoolers and find their reasons for homeschooling and hear their experiences. After Ilya, Serge called and said they were at a sushi restaurant and told us to stop by. I was so tired and already starting to panic about how much homework I had waiting for me but we went for a couple of hours. The sushi was amazing!! Well, CC's Tuna Dynasty roll was. Mine was ok... I could have made better! Ha!!
This morning I went out as usual to check on my babies (my rose bushes) and found buds and roses. I was sooooo excited!
I think tomorrow I will go cut some and make a fresh bouquet for the table! I can't wait to have fresh flowers again. Especially roses! There is not much more I love about spring than that!!