Not a whole lot has been going on. We've just been busy and bogged down with work and school. I haven't had a chance to blog. This post will have no pictures. I think this may be the first week I can remember in a really long time when I took absolutely NO pictures.
What's Been Happening?
My last two A&P tests I scored a 90 and 92. VERY HAPPY about that.
My Chemistry test I scored an 83. I'm happy.
Tuesday night Mom kept the girls and Emil and I had a date night. We went to eat Pho and came home, rented a movie and tried to watch it. We couldn't make it work and ended up falling asleep on the couch. We said we were gonna stay up late. Didn't happen. I think we're getting old. We had to wait for CC and Lena to come home from Mom's to show us how to make the DVD player work. Then we watched Bad Teacher together. It was good.
We finally got a cold front come in Thursday. It is so nice. The temps have been in the upper 60's. SUCH a nice relief from this unbelievable summer.
Papa Bear and the girls made stew tonight. It is amazing! So, so good! Michael picked CC up and took her to Starbucks. They had a good time. He told her that her eyes sparkled, she had pretty earrings and asked if that was her natural hair color.
I am about to fall asleep. I am so tired. I want coffee but don't want to stay up. I have loads of laundry to do this weekend and Pam is coming in the morning.
And that's all I know! I am just going to enjoy the cooler weather!
Spring is in the Air Cottage Home Tour
1 day ago