Wow...it has been quite a while since I've participated in Five Question Friday. These questions are so fun I couldn't skip this week!
1. If you could buy any car, money not an option, what would it be?I have always wanted an
Aston Martin Virage... sleek, fast, classy, beautiful and probably costs more than my house!! Oh well, a girl can dream!
2. What was your worst first date ever?My mother and I once went to a car lot to buy a car. I noticed the salesman's photo of his girlfriend on his desk looked
alot like me. We talked and he did ask me out, stupidly I said yes. For starters, I had to pick him up from his friends house. Then we went to a cheap Mexican restaurant...and I had to pay. I dropped him off at his friends house and he asked me for $20 for gas for him to get home... classy! Needless to say I never saw or spoke to him again and we did not buy a car from him either! Ugh!
3. How old were you when you fell in love for the first time?I know I had "boyfriends" when I was young and just
knew they were "the one". Then I met my Papa Bear, whom I am celebrating my 9
th wedding anniversary with today. I met him when I was 17. We've been together for a total of 16 years. He is my first and only real love! I love him more than words can say! He is such a wonderful husband, provided, father, person. I love, love, love him more and more each day. I appreciate him so much more now than I did before. He's my first love!
4. When was the last time you reconciled your checkbook?I don't use a checkbook. Thankfully I have an app for that!
Lol... I don't write checks, I don't carry cash. Everything is done with my bank card. It's just so much easier that way.
5. If you were going to fashion a "Wanted" Ad for a best friend, how would you word it?"Wanted: Partner in Crime, Honest, Faithful, Open Heart and a Listening Ear. Someone who listens without judgement, gives a shoulder to cry one and happily takes 2 A.M. calls. AND someone who doesn't mind being showcased on Blogger!
Stop by
My Little Life to see more Five Question Friday answers hosted by Mama M!
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Giveaway Post....
I'll be giving away a $25
Scentsy gift certificate and two
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