I am very excited to announce I won the first ever giveaway I entered. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE what the design girl does. I can't wait to see what the finished product looks like! I choose the templete with brown and blue. I love the look of those two colors together! They truly compliment each other very well.
After work I met up with Lisa and her mother-in-law Nella at Buffalo Wild Wings. We approached the topic of healthcare. Nella has many heart problems and health issues. She moved here from Russia in the 90's. Her husband passed away two years after the moved here. She is unable to work due to her health issues and there is nothing they can do about this. They have tried many avenues, such as state sponsered health care. She was told no they couldn't help her and turned away. She looked into local avenues, such as our Carelink program sponsered through the University Health Systems. In order to apply she has to go through numerous interviews, one monthly, complete enormous amounts of paperwork and documentation. She cannot drive and both her son and daughter-in-law work full time jobs and cannot afford to take off one day a month to get her to these appointments/interviews. What is a person to do? Nella recently went to an appointment with a cardiologist. Just a regular appointment and her bill is over $3000! How is someone her age and in her health condition supposed to pay this crazy amount? It is so sad. Something definately needs to be done. How can people be given the added stress of these bills when they are already in poor health? Her medicines are only $100 a month. Thankfully her son takes care of this, but what if he couldn't? Is she supposed to just suffer? My mother-in-law works for our states sponsered insurance program. Her office states that anyone from Mexico or China is automatically approved for insurance coverage. But our own citizens can be turned away so easily? I do not think it's right and it certainly is not fair! I get really upset over things like this.
On to other subjects... I am so very happy the weekend is here. I don't know exactly what we are going to do but I am think the local museum of art. I bought more cocoa to make brownies. I brought my mother the last of the brownies I made and she accused me of using a mix. No mom, they are 100% homemade. Come over tomorrow and I will make you a fresh batch!
Lena's new word is "dead-gummit.." I don't know where she heard that but it sure took me right back to big 'ole Yoakum where that was commonly heard. It's cute to hear her say it. I can't help but smile when she says it. I just bought Lena a membership on PixieHollow. She is more than overjoyed and is creating her character right now. My how (just got another dead-gummit, haha), as I was saying, my how things have changed since I was a kid. We certainly didn't have games like that. There were not computers! We wanted to play we hopped on a bike and rode around town until it got dark and we knew we had to be home so we wouldn't get in trouble. We played cards, board games, made mud pies, played king of the hill at the cemetery (now that seems creepy but didn't at the time), made up songs... we found things to do. Now it seems like my girls are always plugged into something. You never see Sierra without her MP3 player thing plugged into her ears. Lena is really addicted to her laptop. I think the laptop and chatting with CC online is what got her to spelling and reading so well. Crazy!! We read books.. We went to the library and checked out books. I think my girls have been in a library once! Imagine That!
Ok... I will try to post more later. I am feeling so lucky after winning my first give-away entry I think I will try to win the give-away monogram chick has. This giveaway is for a monogramed travel mug. A must-have for any coffee drinker on the go. The other option is for a monogramed tote. Too cute as well. I am entering fot the travel mug. The link is http://monogramchick.blogspot.com/... I dont know how to just put her name and have you click on that yet. I am learning. Slowly but surely!!
Spring is in the Air Cottage Home Tour
1 day ago