Lena has been wanting a skateboard. I always told her "no" because she is a girl and skateboarding is not really a girly thing to do. This is what my mom told me the one and only time I asked for one. I never asked again....I finally gave in and took Lena to get one. Ok, well I was guilted into it. The Sunday before Sierra wanted to go look at ONE model home...it turned into four model homes and Lena was home that whole time...wondering where we were and it was her last day as an eight year old and I felt like the crappiest mother in the whole world!
Now, a little gripe session.....
Last night my U-Verse receiver started resetting itself....and kept resetting itself...ALL DAY! I called AT&T and asked them to reset this, as that usually works. The operator... not so nice. She told me that she was just going to send a technician out. I explained to her I didn't want a techinician to come, I wanted her to reset it so that I can watch my television. She said I had already done all the trouble shooting that was possible and she was checking for the next available technician appointment. I had to chuckle to myself and calmly asked her, "Maim, are you not hearing what I say? I do.not.want.a.technician.to.come. I.want.you.to.reset.it.so.I.can.watch.my.tv!" She said,"Ok, unplug.the.power.cord." (I did) She asked if the At&T logo was appearing, no it wasn't. Then.....SHE chuckled and said, "I guess we are going to need to send that technician out anyway. Is there some reason you don't want a techinician at your house?" No...no reason. It's just this will be the THIRD time I have had to have a technician come to my house for U-Verse for one reason or another and I was going to lose all my DVR'd shows because she put in the order for him to just bring me a new box! URGH!
----> So, I have a new box---> but----> NO FREAKING DVR'd SHOWS! Thanks At&T!
Then.... my AT&T touch screen cell phone stopped responding to touch about a three weeks ago. You can see the dificulty in this because I can't get to the menu without....touching my screen! I kept begging Emil to go to AT&T to fix it, when I went they just told me it was water damage and there was nothing they could do to help. He wouldn't go....until today. WHY? Because last night HIS phone stopped working. The response from AT&T? Apparently now BOTH phones have water damage and we will.....have to just purchase new phones, at full retail price! How VERY convient for AT&T! I think NOT! I am currently on eBay looking for a new phone. The way I am feeling right now..... AT&T bites!
I am perplexed right now as well. Lisa and Jakob and Jenny came over last night. YAY! Allegra works! I had a lot of fun. And now they are wanting to come over again. And I don't mind, in fact I would LOVE to have them over, we go over to their house all the time and I love having people over and talking and laughing! BUT...... the girls don't want company. They keep whining that they want it just us.... they don't want to share me with anyone. I feel so bad! I haven't called Lisa back yet and I don't know what to tell her. I'm thinking maybe asking her if she wants to meet for coffee or something. We'll see I guess. How would you handle a situation like this? I don't know what to do. I don't want to upset my girls but I don't want to upset Lisa either and I would like to spend time some time chatting with her... any suggestions?
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