Wow... I can't even remember the last time I linked up for 5QF over at My Little Life. I do know it's been waaaayyyyy too long. I guess that's what being a working mom does to you. Other than family and work, I hardly have any free time. My three days off a week are stacked full of errands I need to run or things that have to get done that I don't have time for working my ten hour shifts. AND.... I NEED time to recuperate....it just hasn't seemed to happen yet!
-------------------------One thing I do plan on doing to day......
Watching my Aggies play the Razorbacks!! I've been patiently (or not so much) awaiting this game. Today will find my rather ample bottom parked on the couch, eyes fixated on the screen and a few (or more) screams emerging from my lips....I love College Football Saturdays!
Now, on to 5QF!
1. Do you prefer to drive to your vacation spot or fly?
If it's not a far distance, five hours or less, drive. Especially if it includes pretty scenic routes.
Just driving down country roads and enjoying the view can even seem like a mini-vacation....
If it's going to take more than five hours to get there, I would prefer to fly. I love flying at night and looking down on all the city lights.....it's so so pretty!
2. If you could live any where in the world, where would you go and why?
This one is easy.....the Italian countryside. I would love to have an old farmhouse with an olive vineyard....I can't think of anything more perfect....fresh air, gorgeous views.....
And of course I would be cooking, happily, in an old rustic Italian kitchen.....
3. Should grown women wear leggings?
Ohhh....that's a great question. IF you know how to do it, yes, why not? They are cute, can be paired with several different items and can extend your wardrobe.
If you aren't really sure how to wear leggings...you better hope you have a good friend to tell you how you really look (or be able to interpret what the mirror is showing you) and NEVER, EVER leave the house looking like this......
4. If you could change your name to any other name, would you? And what would it be?
I never liked my name. It is just so very country. I always wanted to change it to something more sophisticated like Jacqueline or something cute like Meadow.... but now that I've gotten older and appreciate where my name came from and knowing that my sweet Mom (and sister) chose it makes me appreciate and respect it more.
5. What magazines to you have subscriptions to?
More than I should... I have piles of magazines around the house....
I subscribe to:
Southern Living
Country Living
Better Homes and Gardens
Family Circle
Nailpro (it was my Mom's but I decided to keep up w/it)
Elle Decor