So I'll break it down...
My Charlie got real sick, couldn't walk, eat or drink. I thought I was losing him. It turns out he has arthritis, lower back inflammation and an infection. He's almost 13, so I guess I can expect things to start happening. We did a lot of snuggling on my days off and when I got home from work.

I had to crush his antibiotics and pain meds in canned cat food and ALL the cats got so spoiled. She would wake me every morning around 6 for canned cat food. Needless to say I broke her of that habit right away.
The weathers been cooler and not only have we been enjoying it, but the cats have too.

We FINALLY made Lena's chocolate mousse recipe. Now I don't like chocolate, not a chocolate person at all... But this mousse... Too good for words! And I enjoyed showing the girls how to form stiff peaks with egg whites.

I bought a different car that is much more economical on gas. It's small, but it's cute and gets me 35 miles a gallon. I'll say yes to that any day!

CC has decided to study pharmacy at UT. This is an Aggie household, so you can imagine we've been giving her LOTS of grief!

For 12-12-12 we bought 12 cupcakes for...$12! Gigi's cupcakes are good. They're definitely not Cupprimo but they are ok. I am happy to say we probably ate four, maybe five cupcakes. The rest were thrown away. That is self control in our house!

I FINALLY made my Papa Bear a homemade pecan pie. It was soooo good and he loved it.

Sister Lassen had not been feeling well, so we brought her some flowers to cheer her up and brighten the gloomy days. She's 84 and so wise and I love her beyond belief. Thankfully she's feeling much better now. I was really getting worried.

We been enjoying Starbucks holiday coffees. Sometimes it just what you need to get you up and going.

Luigi is acts out when you don't wake up earlier than him.

My friend Lisa had a dinner party and my girls were so happy I finally fixed myself up a little. (Sad isn't it?)

And CC gave me a pair of moms earrings to wear.

I also finally made the peppermint chocolate cake I've been wanting to make. I don't like chocolate but this just seemed so seasonal and it was actually really good.

I'm learning how to use my new Canon camera. I wanted a camera that will take good, clear photos but also one I don't have to purchase separate lenses for.

Abdelkrim came to visit. Of course he wanted to spend time with us after moms passing but I also think he wanted to beat me at Monopoly.
He succeeded. It took him 27 years but he finally beat me.

I'm giving him "the eyes" here.

He taught us a really fun French card game that I love. But honestly I'll probably have no one to play with.
And then last night I took back my role as Monopoly Queen and destroyed them all!!!! Well, Abdelkrim, CC and Lena.

Tomorrow we go visits my sisters and next week I'll get some rest!
I'm not sure if I'll post again this year, but I will be so happy to see this go. It's been probably the hardest year of my life. We have been through every extreme of emotion possible. But we're still standing. I hope 2013 is much, much better!
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