I have really wanted to keep up this blog but it just seems I never have the time. I always think of little things that I want to write down o note funny things that happen. I just never get the time.
Well... things are the same here. We have been looking at bigger homes, both new and pre-owned. The bonus with pre-owned is that often times you get the upgrades all ready in place and it's not marked up so crazily. On the flip side, if you build new you get to choose your features, moldings, cabinet colors, color of wood for the floor, tiles for the restrooms... you get the picture. Then we got to thinking... we don't HAVE to move and for a few more years we should still fit in this house. We want a bigger kitchen. Emil and I love to cook, Sierra now too, and this kitchen is really, really small and no more than two people can fit in there comfortably. It has ugly linoleum floors. I want that replaced with a nice wood. I also have no hall closet and Lena's room is super small. It's 10x10. We'll see. We are thinking about hiring someone to come in, completely redesign the kitchen and both bathrooms. Our bathroom is big, probably bigger than my kitchen, but it is alot of wasted space. I think the layout makes no sense. I would really like to see the space better utilized.
I am going to try to post some pics here. I'm still learning. Please be patient with me.
Lena in the kitchen...

Well... things are the same here. We have been looking at bigger homes, both new and pre-owned. The bonus with pre-owned is that often times you get the upgrades all ready in place and it's not marked up so crazily. On the flip side, if you build new you get to choose your features, moldings, cabinet colors, color of wood for the floor, tiles for the restrooms... you get the picture. Then we got to thinking... we don't HAVE to move and for a few more years we should still fit in this house. We want a bigger kitchen. Emil and I love to cook, Sierra now too, and this kitchen is really, really small and no more than two people can fit in there comfortably. It has ugly linoleum floors. I want that replaced with a nice wood. I also have no hall closet and Lena's room is super small. It's 10x10. We'll see. We are thinking about hiring someone to come in, completely redesign the kitchen and both bathrooms. Our bathroom is big, probably bigger than my kitchen, but it is alot of wasted space. I think the layout makes no sense. I would really like to see the space better utilized.
I am going to try to post some pics here. I'm still learning. Please be patient with me.
Lena in the kitchen...

[Sierra at Stone Oak Park in black and white (one of my favorites)...

I am going to try to be better about keeping up with this blog. My goal is to try to update it once a week. Really, I'm going to try. I am still working out these pictures thing. I simply cannot get it to work.
This stupid picture thing HAS GOT to be easier than what I'm doing!!!