Thursday, January 14, 2010

Show and Tell Friday - Russian Picture

I am finally participating in Cindy's Show and Tell Friday at her beautiful blog, My Romantic Home. It feels sooooo nice to be back at it. I can't wait to look in on everyone else's blogs and see what treasures they are showing!

I have showed you some of my many Russian items here....and I am going to show you another treasure of mine. I have always been fascinated with Russia and read many books on Russia. When I was very young, like nine or ten years old, I would make my mother take me to the library in my little bitty country town and I would check out what few books on Russia they had. I would read them over and over and over! One of the books had photos of old farm houses and dachas. I found one that I really fell in love it! And then I did something really bad.... I tore the picture out of the book and I swore that when I was old enough to have my own home I was going to frame this picture and put in somewhere in my home!

And I did.... here it is. I love the dark, old withered wood. I love the snow on the rood and the tall beautiful fir trees. I love everything about this picture and I just look at the windows and try to imagine the parties that went on there.... the good food that was made and the stories that were told. I would love to be able to go back and spend just one day in that house. I wonder if this house is still there.
This is the back of the picture. It has a description of what would have been on the opposite back page. In my mothers handwriting in pencil at the bottom is written' "The tales the old dachas have to tell invite attention from every window. This one near Leningrad, Old house at Lisy Nos (Fox's Nose)"

A close up for you.
So now my Russian picture sits on my fireplace mantle.
And I love it there. Do you think I should put it in a darker frame or is this light wood ok?
I often think about how my life turned out. I am now married to a Russian man, I didn't know that he was Russian when I met him because he is shorter and darker than what you would expect a Russian to look like. He is actually an Armenian Russian. I have learned to cook their food, I love their music, I know most of their language.... I still have issues with some parts of their culture, but after 15 years we've worked through about 90% of it!
I thank you so much for stopping by my blog and seeing my Show and Tell. Don't forget to stop by and see everyone else's show and tell! I hope you all have a wonderful three-day weekend!

Do you have anything special planned? Saturday we are going to a jewelry and bead show. Sunday I'm going to get my painting framed that I purchased at an art show last Sunday. So look forward to those posts!


  1. I guess you all about Russia dan Russian too. Love the painting you showed us and thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Beautiful picture! Really stunning!

  3. This is just too amazing for words!! I love how you described it and wondered about how many parties were held...a great post, and wonderful show n tell.

    My Show n Tell is posted now. Do come visit if you can find some time today. It's...


  4. How interesting. I have a fascination with wanting to adopt a set of siblings from Russia. I can't stand for the children to be cold and unloved with alcoholic parents. I packed an operation christmas blessing box a few years ago and seemed to sense it would end up there and knew just what to put in it.

  5. What a lovely picture. Oh, if those walls could talk, what stories they would tell. Thank you for sharing.


  6. The picture is really special. You asked about a darker frame....I think that would be nice or maybe a black iron one. At any rate, the picture is lovely. Thanks for shaing with us.

  7. are in San Antonio and I'm in Houston. Let's keep praying about it and hoping the Lord will help us save a few. I saw a segment where a mom was really nervous and sent a photo back of the kid to a Dr. to see if she had FAS and she didn't.

    I've never met another momma that had a soulish realm attachment to Russia!! I'm like, what is it?

    I have 2 boys and desperately want a girl!! I just know if we adopted from Russia the kids would look just like my oldest, blonde son.

    Girl, keep in touch.

  8. I loooove your picture, I think it's wonderful you kept the promise of framing it for your own home! You sound like such a romantic! Also, thank you so much for visiting my first 'Show & Tell'! Debbie @ Cottage hann~me~downs

  9. It is just so sweet that something so dear to you so long ago now sits on your mantle where it looks just perfect! A very dear Show and Tell post!

  10. I love that first picture!!! So pretty! And thank you for stopping by to visit me for Show & Tell. I love Cindy's blog don't you? And the video of the guys drinking the vodka was a hoot! I see you are from San Antonio. My parents lived there for years. I LOVE to visit there. Have a great week. Charlene
