Monday, January 30, 2012

The Things We Do For Love....

My sweet CC found a jacket on sale at Dillard's that she absolutely loved and absolutely HAD to have. The only problem was that the Dillard's here didn't have her size. So, I did what any good mother would do....I drove an hour and a half to Austin to buy one of the two they had left.
My baby was so happy!

While we were there we had lunch together then headed over to our favorite cupcakery, Cupprimo. (They were featured on Cupcake Wars yesterday.) I tried the Neapolitan, it was one they made for the show. It was really, really good.

We brought Lena home Brown Chicken Brown Cow (left back), my Neapolitan next to it. CC had the Snicker doodle (front right) and we brought Papa home the Double Chocolate (front left).

We ran into rain on the way home. Lots of it.

That was one stressful drive home. It was dark. No lights. All country winding roads. We (me) were so thankful to make it home. CC and I Zumba'd, ate Chinese (probably not the best thing for us.) then we relaxed on the couch and watched some TV.

Today was a good, fun day!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Snake Farm (Pt.1)

Friday (1/27) Emil loaded us girls up for a little family fun. It was so nice not to have to rush to be anywhere or do anything. We were able to just rest, take our time, relax and have fun.

After lunch we drove to the Snake Farm and Zoo. We have been wanting to go there for quite a while but never had any extra time. I had been there once many, many years ago and all I remembered was it was hot and there was a huge hole/pit in the ground with dozens of rattle snakes at the bottom. That was enough for me.

We saw the Snake Farm on San Antonio Living and it gave us a good reason to get up and go. There are lots of good pictures so I had to break this up into two posts. And of course I am starting with the outside first!

At the end of our tour we stopped by the petting zoo. We bought a few bags of feed inside and braved ourselves enough to go in. THIS should have given us some indignation of what it would be like inside the petting zoo! At this point they had all ready taken a bag out of my purse, eaten through one of the feed bags and tried nibbling on our clothes.

This little cutie said back and seemed a bit shy. I thought he was just so darn cute.

For some reason this lama scared me. I kept thinking if he gets mad and riled up and starts attacking there is no one close to come help. I tried to stay as far away from him as possible.

If you know me you know I am terrified of roosters. But this guy was just so cute and attentive and was following us all around. I can't believe I got this close to him...he's not so bad. I almost wish I had a couple of chickens and roosters at home. They are fun to watch.

CC loved the piggies. She really wanted to hold the babies we saw on San Antonio Living.

My poor Lena kept getting attacked by the goats. They were eating her messenger bag, grabbing the food from her hand and bags.

Our little shy goat was back getting in the middle of the action, being nosey and seeing whats going on.

Our friend the llama. He really wasn't so bad after all.

Walking around the outside we kept coming across this peacock. He was so beautiful. There are really no words to describe how vibrant his colors were. We kept hoping he would show his tail feathers but it didn't happen.

Last night the girls decided to rent some movies and make a tent. I thought it was so sweet. They had so much fun. They knocked out five minutes into the movie, I knew that would happen! My only requirement was they pick it up as soon as they wake up. And they did.

One day last week I wanted to try my hand at making quiche. I always wanted to make it but didn't know how or have a recipe. So I just decided to wing it. I sauteed onions, spinach, mushrooms, feta cheese and cubed ham. Then I lined the cupcake pan with layers of phyllo dough.

Added in my egg mixture...

baked for about 15 minutes.....

and viola....they were sooo good!! I definitely will make this again.

I have also been trying to cut out so much coffee and opted for Zen tea one morning. It was good.... but I felt something was missing....and gave in to a big cup of coffee..I failed!

CC and I saw Diana Stobo on San Antonio Living and decided to try one of her shakes with the fruits and veggies we had on hand. We blended up apples, a banana, pears, strawberries, romaine lettuce and fresh spinach.

I couldn't believe how refreshing and tasty it was. And the bonus was we were able to drink and enjoy our daily recommended amount of fruits and veggies for the day.

I'm all ready thinking up new ideas...peaches, mango, kiwi and cantaloupe.. maybe add watermelon one day....the possibilities are endless.


I finished watching "My Foolish Heart" on Netflix this morning. My goodness... that was a wonderful movie. It brought me to tears. Why can't they make movies like that anymore? Movies with out cussing and violence, the girls kept their clothes ON and sex wasn't filling or suggested in every scene. The movie wasn't predictable, it was beautiful.

Anyway, we girls are going to go visit mom. She's been down for a couple of weeks and now that I know she's not contagious it's due time for a visit.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Freaky Friday...

Today started off much better than yesterday. I fell asleep at 11:30 last night and woke up at 8:30 this morning. I honestly can't remember the last time I fell asleep on the same day I woke up! I woke up feeling great and refreshed and made myself a nice, big cup of Pumpkin Spice coffee!!

Yesterday morning was a disaster in every since of the word. We girls woke up early to go out of town. I knew from the night before that my car said "Low Fuel" so the first thing I did was head straight to the gas station. The fog was so thick and dense you couldn't see more than a few feet in front of you, so I was driving pretty slow. Lena was in the passenger seat with her head leaned against the window looking out. Then the car starts sputtering and finally dies. I ran out of gas. I knew I was close to the station so I was thinking I would get out and walk there. I called Mom and she advised against it, especially in the thick fog, so she came to find me.
She called me when she was close and told me she was at the gas station but didn't see me. I told her I hadn't passed the gas station, she must have passed me and not seen me in the fog. I told her to drive back. She drove back and was now at my neighborhood gates and she still didn't see me, so she was heading back towards the station. She said she was at the station and still not seeing me, maybe I was not on that street. I got out of the car to see the street sign, even thought I knew I didn't turn down any other street. I had only made it about ten feet from the car and the car was not visible to me. I could only see the flashers dimly blinking.
I was getting scared. Our phones started cutting in and out and hanging up on us. Our calls were not connecting. I was stranded out in the middle of who-knows-where, in this thick fog and my mom couldn't find me. I was starting to panic. It's been an hour that we were stuck on the side of the road.
We finally got connected and Mom said maybe I passed the station. I told her it was impossible, the station is huge and lit up and connected to a little strip mall. There was no way I passed it up but we both decided it was worth a try. She drove further north passed the station and there she found me. I was so thankful! The freaky thing is I know with 100% certainty I did not pass the station. I was going slow and looking constantly to my right for it. Lena had her head leaned against the passenger window looking out. There is no way both of us missed the station. How we ended up so far north, I have no idea. I've been driving to this station for over 7 years. I'm not crazy. And I know I didn't drive past Valero yesterday morning. The entire situation was just wierd and creepy.

We girls finally got where we were going and by this time we were starving. I promised Lena Le Madeleine. It's kinda our thing.
Lena and I ordered the Chicken Friand. CC ordered the small salad and veggie soup.

I literally had to BEG the girls to let me snap a couple of pictures of them.

See how CC is trying to hide her face? She said, "Mom, someone sees!"

On the way home we stopped at Tractor Supply to get the guinea pigs food and bedding. CC tried on some rubber boots... I told her I should have made her buy them AND wear them!

And I came home with a John Deere t-shirt, much to CC's dismay. I thought she was gonna have a fit when I wore it to the grocery store earlier today. Lena likes it and doesn't mind. I think it's cute and different.

Tonight CC made an amazing salad and then showed me how to make spring rolls. I think I'm hooked. I love them. They're fast and easy to make and oh, so good AND you don't feel horrible after eating them. I'm already thinking up new recipes to fill them with!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pinning, Sneaking and (Soon to be) Sweating...

It seems all I do lately is play catch up with my blog. I wish it was because I am doing so many fabulously, fun, exciting things and I just didn't have time to blog. The truth is I am just so busy with homeschooling, helping my Papa Bear, trying to stay on top of the laundry and all those exciting things a stay-at-home mom does!
Since we ARE in January, one would expect the weather to be at least chilly, if not cold. I should be wearing gloves and a scarf and some kind of jacket. Instead, the next week or so I will be wearing capri's and skirts and short sleeved shirts!

I snapped this cute picture of Toby sneaking a rest on the table. CC was at mom's for the night and Toby would NEVER try this if she were at home. I guess "While CC is away, Toby will play!"

I've been wanting to jazz up a few things in the house. Since I'm not working I don't feel it's right to ask Papa Bear to let me shop for new accessories for each room. Knowing him, he wouldn't object, but I just wouldn't feel right. One thing I have always wanted to do was make pillow covers for the couch...coverings that can be changed with the seasons. I was clicking around blogland and found this super cute tutorial. I really think I might give it a try!

I also found these cuties on Pintrest. I swear that website is sooo addicting!!

I have also been wanting to change up my mantle. It just feels like it's time to take it all down and make a fresh new start. I would have something like this..... Isn't it dreamy?

Then I wake up and realize CC and Papa Bear would NEVER allow it!! Ha! But I also found these mantles on Pintrest. I can see both of them working in our living room.

I love the simplicity of this mantle. I love the black and white and the mixture of shapes.

And I really like this mantle. I am thinking this is more what I am leaning towards when I do redo my mantle. It's simple, crisp and clean.

Now to catch up... last Thursday we went to George and Marie's house for a sushi night. Their son was leaving to college the next day and wanted some of my Papa Bear's sushi. We had a blast!! They are such sweet fun people to spend time with.

My job interview didn't pan out, however she said she was going to send my resume and info to a colleague who is hiring in a different department. I didn't hear anything from her for a week and got really disappointed. Then I received an email stating I would have a phone interview today. It went great. She said she wants to proceed with my application and they will be contacting me for a face-to-face interview either this week or next! YES!!! I have been trying to get into that company for years....seriously years! This is one company, they say, no one ever wants to leave. I've been reading the benefits and perks and I can definitely see why!

We went to Austin for a little shoe sale trip with Mom last Tuesday. We had so much fun laughing and being silly. Mom didn't make it home until almost midnight!!

And now I am so ready to turn in and call it a night (even though it's 1am)! I hardly ever get to bed the same day I wake up, isn't that sad?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Last week our friends in the congregation who also homeschool invited us to Incredible Pizza. We had the best time talking and laughing. The kids played games and enjoyed hanging out. Lena left with Cindy and Stevie, went to their house and had her first bass guitar lesson from Stevie's dad, Steven. The girls, Steve and Cindy went to the Witte Museum with another homeschooler and her children. Lena had a blast and made a new, close friend!! LOVE THAT!

And my baby turns 11 tomorrow!! I had to take my annual picture of her before she turns a year older!! I can't believe how time runs away from us. I still remember the sweet little things she would say or do that she now gets so upset when we mention it. She went from a super girly, everything pink, purple or sparkly, tons of lipgloss (or as she used to call is "lipstips"), she loved Crazy Town, her mimi and singing. Now she's older and her changes have also matured. Sparkly, glittery things have been replaced by more grown up styles. Her mimi is long gone in her closet somewhere. Crazy Town has been replaced by Zombieland and singing is now replaced with drawing and playing the guitar.

I love watching the fun, sweet, unbelieveably smart young lady she is becoming. She studies, often times without my pushing, helps me clean, takes care of her pets, draws some of the most beautiful images, always find fun, interesting types of music, has the absolute funniest comebacks and still has the sweetest hugs. I love my baby girl so much!!
On another note, when CC and I were driving home from lunch we saw this boy walking home I guess from school. I know "sagging" is supposedly what's in style. It's a style I don't understand. I think it's just looks like you can't afford to buy clothes that fit and obviously must not have a mirror at home, other wise I can't see anyone WANTING to look like this boy. This boy had his pants so low under his bottom that he was having to HOLD THEM up with his hand mid-thigh to stop them from falling. Aside from what I assume to be EXTREMELY uncomfortable to walk in (what if he suddenly needed both hands to do something?) does he seriously think this looks cute? Can he (and all the other "saggers" not see how silly/gross/stupid this looks?

I was grading CC's homework yesterday morning. I was going her answers and loved these, I thought I'd share.
CC has been working hard to graduate early and has been looking into different schools and entrance tests. I loved this answer. The question states: "Type a sixth major decision teenagers face as they go through life."
Her reply..." should I try passing those pointless standardized tests to graduate." My thought...honey, you will see those tests are so NOT pointless. You won't get into any school without those tests and her preparation for those tests will determine where she is placed in college courses.

The question states: "Type a tenth major decision teenagers face as they go through life."

Her reply: "Figuring out who they are."

My thought... We go through life trying to figure that out. Each season of our life brings new things to the table that will make us question who we are, what we will stand for, what our limits will be and what we will except. I pray and hope she will get a core sense of this down early in life and stick to it so that she will always have a solid ground to stand strong on and not let anyone or anything allow that to waiver.

And this is my favorite reply of all. I think this concept will help her in life to decide who she is in reference to the above question.

The question states: "What knowledge has Dann gained from this decision?"

Her reply: "that nothing is free. if you want something you need to earn it and/or work for it."

My thought... that is EXACTLY the values I want my girls to grow up with. I want them to know that work is essential and necessary and that it is a part of who we are. I want my girls to be independent and not need to rely on anyone to provide them with the things they need. I want them to make their own paths in life and be happy with the choices they've made.

I would like to ask her these same questions in five years and see what her answers would be then, just to compare. I would have liked to ask myself these same questions at 15 and answer them at 20 and 30 and see how my thought process has grown over time.


On another note, I have an interview with a wonderful company tomorrow. I am keeping my fingers crossed and trying to be optimistic but it's a company everyone wants to work with and I know they definitely have their choice of applicants. This will be my second interview in over a year. There's just nothing out there and competition is fierce. I guess we just have to wait and see!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I quietly checked on Lena while she was doing her homework and found that she had a little help...

Micah has really bonded with her and many times I see him run out of her room looking for her.

Friday the girls and I went to Blanco to look through some antique shops. We found one that was just perfect...pricey but perfect! Tucked away in a corner shelf was this super cute Moonstone saucer for only $3!!

CC decided I needed it and bought it for me. It's so cute and delicate. Under the white rim it had a light bluish tent.

When you hold it up to the light you can see the "fire" in it.

I absolutely love it! I can't wait to be on the lookout for more pieces! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, January 5, 2012

First Post of the Year - 2012

A couple of weeks ago I received my jury summons, my first in 18 years! Luckily I was exempt (thanks to homeschooling!) and only had to wait there about an hour. And an hour was more than enough!!!
Back at home everyone was sleeping so I decided to spend a few minutes on Facebook. I saw my cousin was in town so I shot him over a message and we met up for lunch. We had such a great time talking and laughing and catching up! I couldn't thank my Papa Bear enough for keeping the girls so I could get some time away and visit with David. Our quick lunch ended up being about a two hour lunch and it was perfect! I hope we get to get together again soon!

CC was asking to take Luigi to the park since the weather was nice. I told them if the cleaned up in the kitchen and living room we would go.

Luigi was super excited to go and did lots and lots of this.....

he also picked up a few scents and checked those out.

My sweet girls. Lena will be 11 in just a few days. CC will be 16 next month. How does time fly by so quickly?

CC found this cute heart shaped leaf.

It was starting to get cool and dark so we rounded up Luigi and left. CC even drove a few laps around the park!

We've had a few extremely stressful days here and could hardly keep our heads together to just get through the day doing our normal every day tasks. Mom came over to make soup and CC and Mom made an apple pie.

On another note, Micah has been adjusting perfectly here. He even snuggles with us occasionally.

The girls and I watched Apollo 18 tonight. It was good. I don't think I would necessarily watch it again but it was great spending some uninterrupted family time with them!

Lena started her classes back this past Tuesday and my classes will start on the 17th again. Before you know it summer will be here....hopefully it won't be as hot as last year.