Monday, February 28, 2011

Perfect Ending to the Weekend

Mom kept the girls for us Saturday so that I could study for my test and finish up the essay portion of my cytology course contents. Papa Bear and I wanted to go out for dinner Saturday night, but I had so much homework and he was playing an online tournament. So, we went out for breakfast before church Sunday morning. I feel guilty because we went to Le Madeleine. That is my and Lena's favorite place to go on a I owe her BIGTIME!!!

I had my favorite dish there, chicken friand! You have never tasted anything this delicious!
I also had a potato galette. I call it a potato cake, it reminded me of a latke. I really want to learn how to make those!!
I managed to sneak a photo of my Papa Bear while we were at the restaurant. I love this photo because of his hands. You would not even be able to wrap your mind around the beautiful things he has created with those hands. It really amazes me!
Oh boy, I pray he never sees this post!! I snuck another picture of him sketching out his new picture on the canvas. I told him he needs to finish my tulip picture first!!
I have almost all the laundry caught up. I made a good, quick dinner last night of sliced ham, mashed potatoes with gravy and green beans. I finished my course contents while he sketched and we listened to jazz music. That is the way!! It was so relaxing I didn't even stress out once. BUT our only jazz station is supposed to be changing into an R&B station, why mess with a good thing??
On another note, my roses are back in action. No blooms yet but we are well on our way. I gave them their first dose of Miracle Gro last night. They sure thanked me this morning!! My white rose has tons of red leaves!
I noticed my knock-out bush getting red leaves a couple of weeks ago. It has really exploded now! I couldn't be more excited!
My red cutter bush even has new little green sprouts!! So exciting!!
Last night Papa Bear's pomegranate tree only had one little branch with a few little leaves. This morning it has four!!!
My Peace Rose hasn't done much but it's alive. So I'm happy. It's full of green leaves but not much new red leaves. Oh well, I will keep working with it!
I wanted to do a quick post. I need to shower before I head out to school. I have my second Anatomy and Physiology test today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this one goes better than the first!!
Happy Monday!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Can I Breathe Yet?

In my last post I mentioned that I had some really cute pictures of CC and Luigi that I took when I walked in to check on CC in the morning. This is what I found.....
Luigi really thinks he is a person!!
They love each other....
Thursday after my study we took the kitties outside to play in the fresh air. They loved it!!
We had a hard time getting Charlie inside. He used to be an outside cat before he was cat-napped. Now he can only go outside if one of us is outside with him. I think I could really hurt someone if they tried to take him again. It nearly killed both of us the first time!
Toby was trying to get me while I was snapping photos of him....
Friday I didn't go to school because Lena had been feeling ill all day Thursday. I was worrying about her and kind of deciding if I should go or stay. Then Papa Bear got sick. He has been so unbelievably stressed lately. He was having heart palpitations, cold sweats, jitters, shortness of breath and could not get himself in go in the car or inside. He felt it was too confined. He asked me to take him to the ER around 7 am but couldn't get in the car. So he asked me to walk. We walked and walked and walked around the neighborhood. We walked and talked at least an hour and a half. Finally he felt like he could make it in the house. It took a few attempts, but he made it. He slept for a couple of hours then woke up feeling bad again. He asked me to get him to the ER because he felt like something was very wrong. We went and all the test came back excellent. He was having a major anxiety attack. They sent him home with some anti-anxiety medicine and he's been taking it easy for the next few days. I will more than happy to share what all this anxiety has been about...we just need a few more days to get everything concrete.
Sweet Ms. Lassen, our bead lady, called last week to tell me our necklaces and bracelets were ready that she made for us. It has taken this long for me to actually get there. While there I did manage to sneak a picture of her. CC made Praline Apple Bread for her, so we sat and talked for a long time. It was so much fun! She is 83 years old and has stories that will knock your socks off!
I asked her for the background on this beautiful needlepoint she had hanging above the back of the fireplace. She told me it was given to her by her husband's godfather. He was a very wealthy man who bought a palace in Morocco. She said he had a habit of giving away anything you said you liked, so she had to make sure she complimented things that were too large to carry back by plane.
So he had these beautiful Queen Ann chairs and they had beautiful needle points on the back of each one. It turns out his mother did each work and he had them put on the back of the chairs. She thought they were beautiful and complimented him knowing he couldn't send chairs home with her. Instead, he sent her home with the last needlepoint his mother ever made. She framed it and here it is.
She said her husband's godfather bought this palace in the early 50's from a wealthy man in Morocco who had the palace commissioned for his young wife. She passed away before the palace was finished, so the godfather bought it and grandly finished it. She said the tile work was so exquisite and beautiful and what happened to the workers who designed and created the tiles.....well, she drew her finger across her throat and said the godfather was terrified they would take his designs and replicate them elsewhere. I thought things like that only happened in movies!
Her home is so beautiful. The area we were sitting in today is part of what used to be porch. In the 60's, they spend a total of $83 to purchase 13 windows and enough wood to enclose the area. What she has created is beautiful!! This picture is looking in one of the original windows into the living room.
She has books everywhere. In every room, everywhere. Some rooms have them stacked on shelves up to the ceiling! It is truly amazing. This is the area she enclosed with thirteen windows.
She is the sweetest lady you will ever meet. She is so wise and has the best advise. I love her so much and I am so happy that I met her through my husband's work. Mom came along with us today and we had so much fun talking with her. She was telling us about her husband's last day on earth. He had cancer and knew the end was right around the corner. She said they went through and talked about every place they lived, everywhere they were stationed, special restaurants they ate at, friends they made along the way, everything, from the beginning right up to that night. She prayed he would end peacefully in his sleep and he did. She said when she awoke in the morning and saw him she thought he looked like Lazarus must have. She thanked God. And she said because of that walk down memory lane she will never feel like there is something she wished she would have told him. They told each other everything the night before he left. Her story brings me to tears each time. And she tells me not to be sad. They had a wonderful life full of love and it ended peacefully. She is so wonderful and so amazing!
Mom has the girls tonight and I have been up doing my cytology essays. I had to take a break to do this post. I really want to try to post more regularly, I just don't have time. I do read everyone's posts on my phone when I get time. I try to comment just to let you know I was there..... So now, it's back to protein synthesis of a cell for me. I hope everyone's weekend has been wonderful!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm Going Crazy!!

Ever since I started back to college to finish up the last three classes I need to enter nursing school, I have seriously had NO life. I completely failed my first A&P test but now know what he expects and how he formats his tests. Thats good. However, I also now know how very much I need to study. Even walking in the park makes me feel guilty for missing an hour or two of studying!!
So.... What had been going on since my last real post???

My sweet CC turned 15!! Oh my goodness, when did that happen?

I have to brag a bit and say she is so sweet and smart and respectful. She is really a beautiful, good girl! I couldn't be more proud of her!
I also let CC go to Barnes and Noble with her friend Miranda. This was a first for me, letting her go out with someone who's driving. It was hard and I wanted to call every few minutes but I restrained myself. And she had a great time! While she was gone, Lena and I baked chocolate chip cookies.

Papa Bear and CC went grocery shopping so I could stay home and study/clean. He walked in carrying these beautiful tulips for me.

For many years tulips were my absolute favorite flower. Lately though the rose has bumped them down to the number two position. I'm pretty sure it's because I can actually grow roses here and I cant get a tulip to live more than a couple of weeks. Oh well.
CC also taught Toby that he can eat her leftovers. I think it's gross and nasty and I fussed her about it... AFTER I took the picture for my blog. She still gives him pieces of food, just not directly from her plate!

And my tulips opened but are now shedding their petals. I'm very sad.

But on the upside I was pruning my rose bushes and saw new red trimmed leaves so I know they will be budding and blooming before you know it.
This past Saturday as I was studying (which is ALL I do lately) Toby made himself comfortable on my books.

I have some really cute photos of CC and Luigi sleeping on her bed. I went in to check on her and he was laying vertically with his head on the pillow like a person. However, those photos are on my camera and I haven't downloaded them yet. But when I was studying with Toby's help CC and Luigi were missing and I found them...on MY bed!

I was NOT thrilled to have him on my bed. But it was just that once and I don't plan on it happening again. At least when I'm home. Who knows what they do when I'm gone.
Well, it's back to studying for me. Right now it's two minutes until one a.m. And my A&P book is here opened, staring at me, taunting me to get back to work.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pink Saturday - Goodwill Finds

I have finally gotten a moment to join in the Pink Saturday fun!!! These photos have been on my computer since February 5! I've just been too busy to sit and post.

I always see so many bloggers find such wonderful things at Goodwill. Every time I have gone I have found absolutely NOTHING!! And I would get so jealous. So, a few Saturday's ago I thought about Sherrie at A Conversation At Goodwill and all her finds and headed over to see what could be found.
Immediately my eyes found this pretty pink thing on a bottom shelf of a cart. I picked it up, looked it over and set it down. A worker there asked me if I was going to buy it. I said no, then thought it over and said you bet!
I'm not sure what it is, some type of hurricane glass the worker told me. But it's pink and iridescent and beautiful and I had to have it. And it was only $6.99!!!
I tried to capture the greens that pop up when the light hits it but I just couldn't get it to photograph.
It's exactly the same on both sides and open in the middle. I really can't imagine what in the world it is or what I will use it for other than decoration. But I knew I would find somewhere for it.
If you have any ideas, please let me know.
I also found this cute little saucer for 99 cents. I love the delicate flowers and the pretty greenish-blue.
Another pretty I knew I could find use for somewhere. I am stalking eBay for a matching cup. No luck yet!
This cute little birdie was given to me by the sweet Danish lady that does our bead work. I went by to drop off some things and saw this on her workbench. I told her it was so pretty and was admiring it. She told me it was given to her by the daughter of one of her friends from the Beading Club that passed away. She said I was welcome to take it if I wanted.
It's made of mother of pearl. I'm not sure of it's age but it appears pretty old. It does have some condition problems but my hubby is going to fix her up for me.
We are thinking about having an onyx beak made and maybe emeralds or sapphires for eyes.
The colors are so amazing. I absolutely love it!!
The cute little feet are made of metal.
So for now she sits on my mantle. As you can see I haven't taken my fall decor down yet. This photo has definitely embarrassed me enough to do that...tomorrow.
You can always join in on the Pink Saturday fun by hopping over to the wonderful Beverly's blog to see more participants!
I'm off to making Praline Apple Bread for Ms. Lassen, the bead lady. She called yesterday and said our things are ready. I took all of our loose beads over to her and she made us five necklaces and three bracelets. I can't wait to see what she created!! She told me she loves apple bread so I thought it would be a sweet surprise to send her a loaf!
After that my nose will be stuck in the books studying cytology. I have another test next Friday over 4 chapters. Good lord, wish me luck!

Five Question Friday

Ahhhh, it has been so long since I've done anything fun AND anything on my blog. I can't believe I neglected it this long....!

I guess college will do that to you. These past two weeks it's been nothing but studying, tension, a few good arguments, headaches and allergies. Nothing much fun to blog about! But today I am finally able to play along with Five Question Friday!

1. Have you worn the same outfit more than one day in a row?

Oh yes, especially since I quit working. I am ashamed to admit it, but there have been a few times when I didn't get out of my pj's for a couple of days. IF I wear the same jeans I make sure to wash them in between!

2. If you had to choose any LARGE city to live in, which would it be?

I would guess Paris. I've never been, would love to go, but I love the French Cottage decorating style and I love that people walk to get where they need to go. I love that! That was one thing I loved about New York, if you needed something you walked to get it. We are way to mobile here, just hop in the car and drive.

3. Fly or drive with the kids on vacation?'s faster! Then once you are at your destination you can rent a car to see the sights!

4. What is your idea of "spring cleaning"?

I go through my closets and get out the clothes that I needed to lose a few pounds for and give them to my friend who donates them to needy members in her church. I also like to wash all my sheets and pillow cases that have been stored in the linen closet. I hit my container cabinet and throw away any containers that no longer have fitting lids or any that have cracked. I try to keep up on the dusting and basic cleaning consistently through out the year so it's not like I have any MAJOR cleaning to do.

5. What is the best book you have ever read?

Honestly, the best book I have ever read was Social Crimes by Jane Hitchcock. I read this book in one day. I could NOT put it down. I kept saying over and over, "Ok, this is last chapter. I'm stopping after this...." But the thing is, you can't! It is just that good! It's about a woman who is part of NY society and her husband cheats on her with a young French woman. He dies during "the act" and the wife is left with nothing while Monique moves up in NY society and the wife is forced to work (gasp) at an upscale department store she used to shop at. The book takes many twists and turns...there's bribery, spies, mistaken identity and a Marie Antoinette necklace! It is a MUST read. I always envisioned Meryl Streep playing the wife and Penelope Cruz playing Monique if this book was ever made into a movie!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Versatile Blog Award

I was given the Versatile Blogger award from my sweet friend Donnie at New Blessings Everday. This past week has been so hectic and crazy I have only been able to check up on blogger through my phone between classes. I'm hoping to get back on a blogging schedule!
I am supposed to tell you seven things about goes!
1.) I love cooking and one day would love to take an authentic cooking class in Italy. I researched prices and honey, it ain't cheap!! I found one that's around $3000 a week and that covers the home you will be staying in and ingredients you will cook with. Oh maybe, one day I'll win the lottery!
2.) I love my Charlie (cat) so very, very much. My girls, husband and mother all accuse me of loving him more than I love them. Not so!! I just love him in a different way. Charlie will be 11 this year and when I think of him not being here with me I seriously tear up....ok, I cry! This is just another reason I need to win the lottery, so I can clone him!!!
3.) I can get really moody and emotional for no real reason. Seriously, ask my husband. It's a miracle we are still married after this past week. I give him a HUGE thumbs up for putting up with me!!
4.) Sometimes I take my college books or my cellphone in the restroom and give myself a time out. I love being a mother and a wife but occassionaly I need to not be on mom-duty or wife-duty and just be April. So I tell them I don't feel well, go to the restroom and play Bubble Shooter on my phone or study Anatomy and Physiology in peace and quite! My goodness, I can't believe I admitted that!! Does that make me a bad person?
5.) I guess I didn't give myself enough time outs because I failed one of my two A&P tests. It was so hard and he combined three chapters into one. Everything I studied for was not on the test and I was really hard on myself yesterday. (Refer back to #3)
6.) I want to redo my entire back yard. I would love to cover it with walk-ways and patches of fresh herbs and veggies and of course roses every where!! I can't think of a more peaceful place to be!!
7.) I love to read and I always wanted to write. I guess this is why blogging is so fun to me. You meet so many people you other wise would never have met and you are allowed to be expressive and creative and there is always someone there to support you! I love it!! The blogging community is such a sweet, wonderful group of people and I am so happy I stumbled upon it two years ago!!

Now, I need to pass this on to 15 people!!

I don't want to leave anyone out and I'm really sorry if I did....

Marydon @ Blushing Rose
Dana @ Egads!
Melanie @ Country Roads
Penelope @ Foster2Forever
I will list the other four in a bit! But check out these fun blogs when you get a chance!! They are all so beautiful!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I stopped a robbery

This past weekend was one of the toughest weekends I've had...ever! The final blow happened very early Sunday morning. Papa Bear and I came home really late, about 4 in the morning. He went to bed but I couldn't sleep so I laid on Lena's bed reading blogs on my phone. I thought I heard a trunk slam but figured it was one of my neighbors. I wanted to get up and go grab coffee near 5 a.m. so I went to the car to get my glasses out of a bag in my trunk. I noticed all my clothes in the bag were scattered all around the trunk. My make up bag was opened and my school backpack was open as well. On my way out to the car I heard something in my neighbors garage and was thinking "Great! He's going to ask me where I'm going at this time of the night/morning." I assumed he was taking his dogs out to potty. But he never came out, I didn't hear the dogs and the noise stopped.
I started to walk back up to the house and clicked my car alarm. It beeped twice telling me a door was open. I figured Emil didn't close his passenger door all the way when he got out even though I was SURE I locked the car in the way inside. I went around to the passenger side to shut his door and this is what I saw.

Someone broke into my car. They went through everything! And threw papers everywhere. I freaked out and dialed 911. The time was 4:58 a.m. The police arrived about fifteen minutes later. CSI came around 7 and noticed that my neighbors garage was still open and several items were placed on the curb ready to be picked up! I heard the robbers in his garage! But it gets better!!! My neighbor has video cameras around her house so we pulled footage and this is what we saw...

This guy is on her driveway on the phone with someone and to the back left of him there is a silhouette of another person.

And this next photo was taken at the EXACT time I was walking to my car to get my glasses from my trunk.

He was standing by Janie's house looking straight at me walk to my car and then dial 911!!! He's wearing what looks like a Scream mask. I think they didn't take anything from Joe because I literally walked out in the middle of their robbery. They never expected that!
Today I'm taking these images to the police station. The thieves took my garage door opener so I suspect they will try to come back.
We lived in a good part of town in a gated neighborhood. We never expected something like this to happen!! It just goes to show you one can never be too sure. I was shaken up all Sunday and still feel nervous. I get butterflies in my stomach just to think what my car may look like when I go out in the morning.
So please, leave nothing in your car. Make sure you lock it well and park if possible in a well lit area or in your garage.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone