Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Day In The Life....

Being a jeweler's wife during Christmas time is absolutely NO FUN!! In fact, it is rushed and tiring and exhausting! I swear...from early in the morning to way past midnight it is non-stop running! You would think I would be happy once Christmas is over...oh no! It stays just as busy til usually around Valentines Day. Then it tapers off.

So when Sonic hits it's Happy Hour you better believe we are there for a caffeine fill-up!
Yesterday between my 50,000 trips to the malls I did find time to make my Praline Apple Bread. My mom gave me two individual sized bread pans, so I made one for each girl. Lena's had no praline topping, CC's did.

Both of their loaves were finished in minutes....and my whole big loaf was finished by noon today. I think another batch is in order for tomorrow. That is IF I can find time. CC will KILL me but here she is on the computer eating her loaf.
Today I had to make five..that's right... FIVE trips to the mall today. I totalled up my time driving today and it was 6.5 hours in the car...driving... from mall to mall and then back and back again.... But that is normal Christmas errands for us. I am terrified of the next three days. The closer to Christmas it gets the more rush jobs and special requests we get. I am just thankful we have work. So many right now don't. And we don't know how long we will be getting work so we are thankful each time the phone rings!
This was my view much of the day...but again, thankful to have it.
I'm not complaining... really I'm not. I just don't think most people know how busy we really get this time of year. I looked at my blogger stats last December and I only had 9 posts...for the entire month. THIS is why!
So after my fifth visit to two different malls Papa Bear decided we girls deserved Starbucks!
Lena has been wanting to walk around La Cantera mall, so we did. Thankfully this trip was not jewelery or shopping related...just walking around, enjoying the lights and music and fresh, crisp, cool air! It was lovely!
I love the palm trees lit up this way. So pretty!

THIS is a more typical photo of my girls...this is pretty much what it is everyday...all the time!
Lena being silly and CC hiding from my camera!!

After walking around we met Lisa and her sons at Taco Cabana for Mexican food and lots of talking. I have photos on my camera of CC and Chris but I'm too tired to download them right now!! We had so much fun talking and being silly....my cheeks seriously hurt from laughing and smiling. It was wonderful...a much needed break!
One complaint about "the most wonderful time of the year".... why, oh why, do people who are supposed to be so cheerful and full of merriment almost kill each other over parking spaces? Is this not a DIRECT OPPOSITE of what this time of year is supposed to represent? I don't get it! And this has NOTHING to do with the fact that during one of my many trips to the malls someone side-swiped my car. I didn't even notice it til Papa Bear pointed it out this morning! I have seen more wrecks today than I have seen in the past week. Just tonight at TC a lady was trying to get out of her car and the space next to her was empty. A car was pulling in so fast they were literally inches from hitting her. She even screamed. Seriously...is it THAT important to get there first or be one car space ahead of someone or park a little farther away and you know, actually WALK a few extra steps to get to your location? I just don't get it! Spending most of my day in the car driving this time of year I see all kinds of things...even someone eating soup while driving. COME ON!!! I wish people would just stop and think what this season is supposed to mean to them. We are all in a rush and have an agenda. Some of us are working, others are shopping and some traveling...give your fellow drivers a little respect, use your blinkers, hang up your phone, slow down in the parking lots and if you have to walk a little extra to get a parking space...go for it! A little extra walking won't hurt any of us!

1 comment:

  1. April, You are getting the not so good part of the holidays...my dad owned a bakery...also very long hours and we worked on Christmas day! Hang in there and try to have some fun.
