Monday, September 21, 2009

What Do You Think???

I told you here that Friday after work I felt really bad. But Emil bought me some Theraflu and I felt much, much better come Saturday! After making breakfast I attended the birthday party for the daughter of my co-worker. They had a face painter.

Lena chose a rose. Which surprised me.

Last time she chose a skull and cross bones!

I guess since she was wearing them on her shirt she didn't want to over do it! Imagine that!

After the party we went to my moms house and then to a nursery. I bought some pretty seeds. I plan on planting them tomorrow.

Yesterday we got a little quick shower. It was nice. But the best part was the beautiful rainbow that appeared after the rain!

Ok... now.... I colored my hair last weekend.... This is my before color...dark brown...

And this is the after... (of course my Charlie is in it).... it's a cinnamon color (to match the season)
Now... please I ask you.... follower or not... signed in or not.... please tell me which color you think fits me best. I don't want to look crazy! And I need to decide if I should keep it this color or go back to dark! So.... dark brown or cinnamon... What do you think?
Oh.. be sure to watch the Big Bang Theory tonight. It's the season premier!

1 comment:

  1. I like the dark brown. It makes your eyes more noticable and sparkly (Is that a word?) The cinnamon is a beautiful color, but it becomes the focus. Does that make any sense at all? :) Either way, yours is really the only opinion that matters. Which do you like?
