(you can see Emil starting in with the saw!)
It didn't matter what I did to those bushes, they just wouldn't die! So we chopped them down hoping that would do it.
It didn't work.
But, CC was able to shape them into something more pleasing to the eyes.
And she did have a little help...
She planted two Esperanza's and two salvia.
The Esperanza and salvia have really taken over. I'm going to have to take new pictures. The Esperanza alone is over 5 ft tall and the salvia at least two and a half feet wide.
The weed garden near the side walk was out of control with, well, weeds and a rotting rosemary bush that had been there since we bought the house.
We took that down too...
This one was hard on me. I didn't care to see those stupid bushes by the window gone but the rosemary, oh my rosemary hurt. I loved to rub it in my fingers when getting out of the car and walking to the house. It smelled so so good.
CC planted two Mexican Feather grasses there, some upright lantana and two really pretty cactus/aloe things.
We still have weeds there. Just not as bad. I'm trying to find a pretty ground cover to help take care of that problem. At one time a few years ago CC had a tomato plant growing there. It's just hard to get anything to really keep because just beneath the soil is a huge rock.
It's nice to finally get a chance to post this. CC filled up my phone with 4th of July fireworks pictures so I'm needing to delete pictures and make space.
I was remembering back Wednesday when I was in kindergarten. We had a play at school and were supposed to sing "Yanked Doodle Dandy". All my classmates were on stage singing and I was too scared/shy to do. I jumped off the stage and ran to my moms open arms and buried my head in her neck. Her loving arms squeezed me and she kissed my head. I was safe there. I would give anything to be safe there just one more time. I really miss my mom.
Your CC is a landscape wizard! I have these crummy ugly bushes in my yard! We need to get rid of them! Annoying! Your story about your mom was precious! :)