Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

I wish I could say we spent yesterday, Memorial Day, bar-be-que-ing outside somewhere...but we didn't! It was way to windy and very, very hot! Instead I woke up early, got CC and Luigi up and took Luigi to the park to play. It's the first time he has been at the dog park in a looooong time. He definitely had fun!!

After he played a bit we walked the large Water Loop we used to always walk, the one that at once didn't seem long enough....well, yesterday I dragged my old self through it. Man it was hard!!
After the park I brought Subway home...gotta love the $5 footlongs! Ha! Perfect after a hard sweaty workout at the park....

The rest of the morning Papa Bear and I relaxed and laid in bed watching Pawn Stars. It has been so long since we've been able to do anything like that. I didn't realize how very much I mess it!!

While he was working, CC and I decided to make my Apple-Praline bread. Another thing I really missed was making this.... it has been way to long!

Oh I can't tell you how good the house smells when this is in the oven. The hardest part it is waiting for it to cool!!

We turned in early last night. It felt good to get a good night's sleep!!

This morning it's back to the rush of getting jobs done and homework in. Last week Lena helped me separate invoices. She got a bit flustered but overall she enjoyed it...and I enjoyed the help!!

It's been so hot here. I am ready for a nice big rain!! There just isn't any in the forecast!


  1. Sounds like your Memorial Day was tons of fun. Glad that Lena was able to help you with your invoices. Hope that you are keeping well!


  2. That apple praline bread looks DIVINE!!!

    XO Faith

