Monday, April 18, 2011

Buds, Bugs and Babies

About three weeks ago we added another furry friend to our home. Meet Gypsy. She is the cutest, sweetest little Guinea Pig. CC decided Tara needed another friend. They get along great, when Tara isn't being a bully!! Gypsy is still a bit shy but she's coming out of her shell a little more each day!
Last year my grapevine was doing so good. Then these pesky aphids started taking it over. By the time I found the right medicine for it, it was too late. They literally sucked the life out of the vine. We weren't sure how the vine would do this year. It has come back great! Except for the areas where our wonderful houseguest took it upon herself to prune it! However, we did find aphids creeping back on the vine.

I put the same medicine on it this year that I did last year and it produced NO positive results. If anything, there were even more aphids! So this morning I took out a spray bottle with warm soapy water and showed those aphids who's boss!

My grapevine is already producing huge clusters!! I can't believe how big they are!

And, Papa Bear's pomegranate tree produced tiny baby pomegranates. It was so fun to see them grow!! I was deadheading my roses and CC called me over to show me the fruits. It was definitely fun to see!

Last week the girls and I went to Austin for a quick trip. My friend Lisa told me there is a cupcake factory there and we were set out to find it! On our way home we punched the address in the navigator and took a mini-road trip through town to find it. We usually just travel the highways there, so it was fun to see residential areas. CC LOVED these houses. They are just her style!

The cupcake factory was located near downtown right smack-dab in the middle of the university dorm's and frat houses. It was soooo cool to see all the students walking and riding bikes and it is really a lovely area. FINALLY we found it, after about three circles around one-way streets. It's a cute, quaint little shop...Polkadots Cupcake Factory.

It was a little later in the afternoon when we got there, so there wasn't a big selection left. CC didn't want a cupcake. Lena and I chose chocolate mint cupcakes.

Oh My Word!! There are NO words to describe how moist and delicious and wonderful these cupcakes were. I have never...ever... had a cupcake this good in my life! I can't wait to go back!

I know I keep promising a giveaway..and I am going to do it. I am just waiting on a couple of last details for you. Once that gets cleared up I am planning to post it on Saturday!


This past weekend we took a weekend trip to Galveston. I got really sick the last night/day. We thought there was another baby on the way for us, Papa Bear was happy about it, I was pretty unsure about starting all over again, but in the end it just wasn't the case. It was kinda fun thinking about maybe finally having a boy. Oh well!! I will try to get pictures from our weekend up this week as well. I still didn't feel good today, I didn't even go to school. And can you believe there is only two weeks of school left? This semester flew by!


  1. G'eve sweet April ~ I have no idea at this tim ewhen we will get back there, but know this ... you'll be the first to know! IF you haven't met Maggie (grandmayellowhair) visit her. We had a wonderful sisterhood establish when we were there ... she lives in Brenham. You'll adore her.

    Your grapes look deelish! That furry critter is cute as a button, but it is a 'critter'!, April. Chuckle!

    Anxious to hear about Galveston.

    Have an EGGS-TRA blessed Easter ~
    TTFN ~

  2. Those cupcakes look wonderful. Thank you for sharing your stories!

  3. I am so impressed with those grape clusters!!!
