Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First Cut Blooms of 2011

As many of you may know, I am obsessed with my roses. I have wanted a rose bush for longer than I can remember. Last year my sweet Papa Bear gave me a rose garden for my birthday. It was the best gift ever. I was nervous about the winter because I didn't know how to properly care for my bushes and was so worried they wouldn't bloom this spring. I was worrying for nothing! Today I cut my first blooms of 2011 and brought them inside!! I love having fresh flowers in the house. It just seems so fresh and clean. It's hard to explain, I just love it! So far only my cutter reds and my pink knock outs have fully bloomed. My peace rose has a few buds and the white rose bush has lots of buds. The small buds that have opened on the white one have petals lined in a soft pink. So far none have been good enough or large enough to put in with these reds. I might go tomorrow morning to see what I add in here.

I really would like to have some other types of flowers to add in my bouquets. I just don't know what yet.

I bought this pitcher last year at a sidewalk sale. It's handmade by Emerson Creek Pottery. I'm not too familiar with them but I loved the vase and it was at a good price and now I am so happy I bought it. It's been living in my closet since I purchased it!

I love, love, love my roses. Every morning I go outside and check on them. I love to see them grow and see new leaves forming. They truly bring me so much joy! I told my Papa Bear I can never leave this house now because my roses are here!! And on a side note, we have lots of new grape clusters on the grapevine!! I'm very excited about that! I just hope this year those darn aphids don't drain it!!

I think I drank a bit too much coffee too late. It's nearly 2 am and I am still awake!! I will use this time productively..... by taking a break from homework and visiting some blogs! We all need to have some fun once in a while!!


  1. I'm so jealous! I kill ALL PLANTS. Black thumb... So sad! Your roses are gorgeous!!

  2. Red Roses for love. You seem to have lots of that in your life. Thanks for visiting my blog
    Best Carolyn

  3. I am with you all the way when it comes to roses. One of my very favorite flowers. I have several bushes and they are all in full buds now. Can hardly wait for them to bloom. These you shared to day are lovely.

  4. Your roses are so pretty and I bet they smell so sweet. Don't study too

  5. I share a love of roses with you, but my husband always grew ours....until......I turn up allergic to all the sprays he had to use on his hybrid teas and he quit growing them. sad, but necessary. We live in north Texas and roses do not easily grow in our climate thus the need for all the bug sprays. He had 19 different hybrid teas and they were wonderful to cut and bring into the house. I like your roses. If you should need rose advice, I am certain Mr. B could help you out. How I loved his Sterling Silver roses!
