Ahhhh, it has been so long since I've done anything fun AND anything on my blog. I can't believe I neglected it this long....!
I guess college will do that to you. These past two weeks it's been nothing but studying, tension, a few good arguments, headaches and allergies. Nothing much fun to blog about! But today I am finally able to play along with Five Question Friday!
1. Have you worn the same outfit more than one day in a row?
Oh yes, especially since I quit working. I am ashamed to admit it, but there have been a few times when I didn't get out of my pj's for a couple of days. IF I wear the same jeans I make sure to wash them in between!
2. If you had to choose any LARGE city to live in, which would it be?
I would guess Paris. I've never been, would love to go, but I love the French Cottage decorating style and I love that people walk to get where they need to go. I love that! That was one thing I loved about New York, if you needed something you walked to get it. We are way to mobile here, just hop in the car and drive.
3. Fly or drive with the kids on vacation?
Fly...it's faster! Then once you are at your destination you can rent a car to see the sights!
4. What is your idea of "spring cleaning"?
I go through my closets and get out the clothes that I needed to lose a few pounds for and give them to my friend who donates them to needy members in her church. I also like to wash all my sheets and pillow cases that have been stored in the linen closet. I hit my container cabinet and throw away any containers that no longer have fitting lids or any that have cracked. I try to keep up on the dusting and basic cleaning consistently through out the year so it's not like I have any MAJOR cleaning to do.
5. What is the best book you have ever read?
Honestly, the best book I have ever read was Social Crimes by Jane Hitchcock. I read this book in one day. I could NOT put it down. I kept saying over and over, "Ok, this is last chapter. I'm stopping after this...." But the thing is, you can't! It is just that good! It's about a woman who is part of NY society and her husband cheats on her with a young French woman. He dies during "the act" and the wife is left with nothing while Monique moves up in NY society and the wife is forced to work (gasp) at an upscale department store she used to shop at. The book takes many twists and turns...there's bribery, spies, mistaken identity and a Marie Antoinette necklace! It is a MUST read. I always envisioned Meryl Streep playing the wife and Penelope Cruz playing Monique if this book was ever made into a movie!
You have been busy. I loved your answers to the Five questions. Take care.