Friday, January 21, 2011

Pink Saturday

As most of you know I absolutely LOVE Pink Saturday hosted by the wonderfully sweet Beverly at How Sweet The Sound. I haven't participated in a couple of Saturday's and I am so ready to hop back on the wagon and join in on all the fun.

On January 7th (I know the date because it's saved on the picture files on my computer) the girls and I were going to our stores and as we were leaving we saw this amazing sunset.

None of these photos have been touched or edited. This is actually the way the sky looked. It was so beautiful!
It almost looked like a pink metallic foil. I've never seen a sunset like this!! I had to capture it!

It's times like this that I wish I had a better camera. These photos were taken with my cell phone. Imagine how nice they would have been with a better quality camera!!
~~ This week has been so busy and I've fallen behind on my blog. Lena started her virtual homeschool and has been so overwhelmed and swamped. I started back to college and have been so strained on my time between college, helping Lena with her school, giving CC her homework and helping Papa Bear with his stores. Today I went to school from 10-2, got home around 2:30 went straight to one of our stores to drop off a bracelet, was back at the shop by 3:45 to do invoices and help him finish up. Then we started off to our stores by 6 and didn't make it home til after 8. I just wanted to cry I was so tired. I told everyone I am off for the evening and to make their own dinner. We had an assortment of snacks...Gouda cheese on bread, soup, sushi, name it! But it was fun. I also did my first homework assignment for College Algebra and made a 100! Very excited about that! Ok...enough, I know I'm boring you!
~~So, please stop by Beverly to see more fun pinks and if you get a chance stop by and tell Donnie "hello" at her lovely blog New Blessing Everyday. She is featuring some of the cutest personalized greeting cards! I hope everyone has a Happy Pink Saturday and wonderful weekend!


  1. Wow, awesome photos! Have a lovely pink Saturday!! Hugs from Anette in Norway :)

  2. Happy Pink Saturday April,
    What a stunning sunset...I have never seen one like that either. How special to see this painting created in the heavenlies.
    congrats on that 100 in college algebra test...I am not a fan of algebra.
    On my pink saturday post I am telling about a new blog who is having a stunning give away. I have been a follower of yours for awhile and would be honored if you visited my blog and thought about following it.
    Simply Debbie

  3. Thanks for the shout out Debbie. I appreciate it. You have no reply on your email comments so I couldn't answer how long it took for my son to get to his last year of nursing school. He went part time for 3 years to get accepted in the RN program and this is his second year in that program. He'll be 40 when he graduates next year and other than wishing he had done it sooner he has enjoyed it. It sure isn't easy. I can't believe you got those photos from your cell phone. Really great.

  4. Even with a cell phone these sights are breathtaking. That is an amazing view. I am tired from reading your post. You need to slow down and relax.

  5. Hi April!
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and entering your name for my giveaway.
    You have a lovely blog and I will be back to visit!
    Have a Blessed day~

  6. HPS and hang in there can do it! It will be over before you know it. Great pictures by the way. Gorgeous sky! Marcia

  7. G'day April ~ Oh, I wish I had seen this vision of pinkness! How beautifully captured. God is a wonderful artist ... breathtaking.

    You've been a busy gal ... keeps you hopping when you have wee ones.

    Have a happy PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  8. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous, even with a cell phone! Sounds like your a really busy girl, there is always so much to do, it gets a bit overwhelming sometimes!!! Hope you get to slow down for the rest of the weekend and take it easy! Happy Pink Saturday!

  9. We have pretty sunsets, too. we are all so blessed!
    Mary Ann

  10. Lovely, lovely pictures!

  11. What a beautiful masterpiece! God treats us to such beautiful artwork in the sunsets and sunrises, doesn't he?!
    Have a most beautiful Pink weekend!
    ;-D Kathleen
