Monday, November 8, 2010

Scentsy Party & Paradise

Sunday the girls and I were invited to a Scentsy party. I've been hearing about Scentsy on blogger and my sister has posted about it on her facebook.

But I still wasn't sure what it was and felt silly to ask what it was...So when Veronica sent me the invite I was sooo excited!

This is what greeted me when I came in....
Her house smelled sooooo good!! I was in heaven!
Of course my favorite was the Bakery collection!

I am so allergic to most air fresheners so I was worried if I would even be able to stay at her house for very long. Usually when I put in a new freshener I will have a migraine for a couple of days. And if I light candles Lena gets a headache immediately!

We stayed at least two hours and neither one of us had even the slightest headache!

Veronica is due with their first baby next month. So she is looking at Scentsy to provide some income while she is out on maternity leave.

She and her husband had us girls laughing so hard... out stomach were literally hurting!! Leroy is sooooo funny! He reminds me so much of my husband. Veronica and I decided it's NOT a good idea to have them get together!! There would be trouble happening!

We decided that when Leroy gets back from Vegas for the Latin Grammies we will have to make sushi. They are such sweet people!!

I ended up ordering a large holder and three scent blocks. It should be in in two weeks. I am so excited because not only is it a flameless "candle," it will also be a very pretty night light!

After Veronica's party we visited Mom and Andre came over. Andre is just too much! You'd have to see it to believe...seriously!
Andre is just too much! You'd have to see it to believe...seriously! Mom was texting me that when we left her other neighbor stopped by to visit and Andre (who is from Iran) was teaching Victor (who is from Mexico) Spanish!
Like I'd have to meet Andre to believe it. I swear, he is a 10 year old in a 50 year old body!! He always keeps things exciting! His situation is very sad...his much older wife was put in a nursing home and he is just kinda lost now. He had been with her since he was 17 and never knew anything different. Now her children don't let him visit her and he's just heartbroken. He works for some other people (I have to stop myself from saying something not nice here) at their hotel and they pay him $2.00 an hour. They let him rent a room there at a discounted rate and only provide him with an air mattress. He has to pick up guests from the airport to and bring them back to the hotel, which is a good 30 minute drive or drop guests off at the airport in his own car and for this they pay him $1.00. He was telling us last night how they curse at him, call him such disgusting names, he even said they drop him off for prayers and then tell him to find his way home. Not only does he do maintenance around the hotel he also works the front desk at night and they almost never come relieve him on time.
I asked him why he puts up with it and he said guesses he is just used to someone bossing him around. Mom has offered to let him stay with her temporarily until he finds a place of his own. Temporarily because'd have to know Andre. He stayed with us one time and took a bath....from what I remember he fell asleep in the tub with the water running and when Mom and I came home the whole apartment was flooded...this is typical Andre.... another example... We joke, "So and so is so stupid they let Andre teach them how to drive...." Why? Andre is actually not allowed to drive a taxi at the airport anymore because he has had so many accidents. It's a long running joke about his just have to know him to understand!!
Today I had to run an errand for Papa Bear. The errand took me to the old Time Warner building. It's so pretty. I used to love going there to pay our cable bill. The whole front of the building is slanted glass. Inside is this......
It's like a little paradise! Or at least what I would imagine paradise to look like.

Inside the temperature is so cool. And the smell. It smells so good. I can't explain it. It's such a natural fresh smell. I've never smelled that before...ever...anywhere!
The plants and trees are so lush and abundant! And they have little benches placed throughout for employees to just sit and relax. I think I'd like to work someone in the building just to walk through there everyday!
The walk way is even wood...and as a bonus, squeaky in some area. I couldn't resist taking a picture of the walkway with it's fallen leaves. You know I have a weakness for leaves on walk ways!
I just love it there...I can't think of a more relaxing place!
I love how this palm tree is growing slanted with the angle of the glass..
Then this afternoon while doing deliveries I noticed the lights are up at La Cantera.
This mall is always so beautifully decorated around the holidays!
I plan to take the girls one afternoon and grab some coffee and just walk around!
And now it's time for bed! I am so ready. I have a job interview tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous. It's with a really good company, one I've been trying to get in for years. So..... I just have to wait and see what happens!

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