My Papa Bear is ok. We are pretty sure this terrible screaming kid hiked up his blood pressure. I bought him some aspirin and let him sleep while I drove home. He turned in early and is still sleeping. In fact the whole house is sleeping except for me. I woke up at 7:30, so I'm running on very little sleep. It's ok. I think I am just too excited to have my house back!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Day Trip to Houston..I get my house back!
Tuesday was a wonderful day for us here at home.... For the past at least six months we have been storing some items for our friends. By "some" I mean 15 computer monitors, a few camcorders and hundreds of shoes...ok not hundreds but it sure did feel like that most days!
Well honey...thankfully they were finally ready for us to ship their stuff to them!! My living room has looked like THIS for at least half a year!! At least!
It didn't matter how much you cleaned or swept or mopped or even moved furniture still looked like this! Frustrating does not even begin to tell you have terrible this was!
So yesterday we loaded up the truck and drove it to Houston! Thank goodness!! I was so excited last night I was still cleaning and moving furniture til almost 2am!! My living room just seems so empty now. I feel like I need to purchase more furniture for it! Lol!! What I want to do is find a nice decent sized sofa table to put against that big wall and place some photos upon it. My mother gave me this darling candelabra that holds fresh flowers (a plus in my book) and I would like to place that on there as well. Then I would love to put the big painting I bought earlier this year, the one that lives behind the chest of drawers in my bedroom, on the wall there...I have it all planned out in my head. I just need to find the table!
So Papa Bear drove and he has a tendency to drive fast. I kept telling him over and over to slow down...of course he didn't listen. So we made a pit stop for drinks and the restroom and took off. Literally two minutes after we got on the highway the State Trooper's lights were on and we were pulling over! Ahhh.... I knew it was going to happen. What I didn't plan on was getting stuck!
It had rained alot the night before, so when Papa Bear pulled over for the S.T. he went to far and we were stuck...BIG TIME!!
That truck wasn't going anywhere. Honestly, as tilted as we were I think the only thing that saved us was the mud holding the truck up... we were in deep!!
We tried everything to get it out..didn't work. The trooper gave Papa Bear a warning and called a wrecker for us.
While waiting we tried to get creative and see if we could get out before the wrecker showed up... wasn't happening! We each took turns trying to drive forward and reverse... he later told me he heard a rattlesnake not far from where we were standing....
I heard it too but didn't want to say anything and freak him or the kids out.... that's just one of the beauties of living in Texas! Ha!! And we smelled grass burning...I think spinning the tires on the dried out, almost hay like grass was not very smart. We cut the truck off and waited. I called my sister who called her brother in law and he was going to come pull us out but he was about 45 minutes away....and by then the wrecker arrived. pull and $175 later we were on our way to Houston!! Seriously.... that man WAY overcharged us..but what could we do? As deep as we were there was no guarantee David would have been able to get us out!
So after we dropped all the items off at the shipping station we took two left turns and ended up at......
I have never been to Ikea before. It was amazing. You can lose so much time in that place. We did find two kitchens we really like and hopefully can start on sometime next year. We also found bathrooms we liked for ourselves and our girls. And the wonderful part...everyone agreed!! I didn't get any photos...not sure why...just this one of Lena while we were eating at the cafeteria....
After we ate Papa Bear started feeling really bad...sweating and chest pains, jittery and nauseated. He went to the truck....yes, I know what those symptoms are but he is so hard headed he would NOT go to the hospital! SOOOO my big shopping became rushed and hurried. I was so nervous I couldn't think straight. All I could think about was getting Lena's dresser, paying and getting to my papa in the truck. I wanted a light above the kitchen table but couldn't settle on one and I didn't want to make that decision with out my papa....this was one I was looking at.
I didn't get it. I thought I could come home and purchase it...nope..not sold online! Nice!!! Anyway, I came home with Lena's dresser, a garlic press, can opener, an amazing throw, lights for papa bear and snowflake lights for me...oh and a really neat back scratcher for Papa Bear and two really pretty matted frames for that sofa table I want.
Gee April, that's almost a Halloween story but a few days late. Hope your Papa Bear is okay and you all can enjoy getting some of you house back. That was some trip. I hope you friends appreciated it.