Friday, July 30, 2010

Why is my TV black?

Papa Bear made a drastic decision....while I was at work. I couldn't protest. I couldn't state my case. I couldn't do anything but accept it.

He decided to stop our cable service!!!

So now my TV looks like this...

I hardly ever watch tv. Maybe once or twice a week. In a typical week we usually watch total about 5 hours! Our tv is mostly used for Wii... But still, just knowing I can't flip it on drives me crazy!!! On the upside, we're saving over $150 a month!

So I've been trying to keep myself busy...

I've read some magazines that just came in the mail...

I clipped coupons for the first time ever...

CC said, "oh my god mom...that's a lot of coupons!!"
I tried on shoes...

The girls played on the computer making pages for their website game thing...

I also washed, dried, folded AND put away a few loads of clothes, cleaned the kitchen and washed all the dishes, cleaned my bathroom counter and Papa Bears side of the bed and bought some things on eBay I'm sure I don't need. I have to stop so I can find something to do tomorrow!!

I wanted to make this...

But I had already eaten this while trying on shoes....

I don't think not having cable will look good on me!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. April, your post is to funny and I can relate. When we first moved here we went 6 months without TV. I did fine, but my poor hubby was not at all happy. It is amazing how much you can get done without it on. Really though there is not much to watch anymore. Sometimes I leave it on the weather channel all day, just for the noise. LOL. $150 is a huge savings, x 12, heck girl that is 1800.00 a year, wahoo, for you guys.

  2. Your husband was smart - when he canceled cable - it makes one work harder - with all that free time. LOL What will our husbands think of next!

