Sunday, July 11, 2010


Wow! This weekend went by faster than usual it seems. When you have to cram everything into two days it's really stressful! So this weekend I did something I can't remember, really can't remember doing in ages!!! I rested! I rested all day Saturday and it felt great! I didn't get out if bed til almost noon on Saturday. I laid in bed reading all the wonderful Pink Saturday postings. I just rested! Maybe it was the crisp cream sheets on my bed or the sunlight beaming through the blinds...whatever it was it felt good. I drifted in and out and in and out if sleep most of the morning...until Papa Bear woke me up to do invoices! So I pulled myself out if bed, did invoices, showered and took mom to look for apartments. It was nice and sunny and we had Sonic drinks to cool us off!
We all wanted a light dinner so CC suggested we steam something. That little steamer my in-laws gave us has really come in handy. We use it way more than I thought we would. So we steamed salmon filets and fresh green beens.
I never made fresh green beans before so I was nervous about how they would turn out.

I added season salt, garlic pepper and onion flakes to them.

On the salmon I put a little salt, garlic powder and freshly ground pepper.

Everything turned out great!

We also had steamed white rice and this delicious lemon dill sauce to spread on the salmon.
Then I got this cute picture if Toby.

He's gotten so big since we adopted him. Of course Charlie had to investigate...

Today I mostly listed shoes on eBay. It felt like a million of reality it was about 12 pair. I took Lena to swim with Jakob and Lisa and I just sat by the pool talking. It was really nice and relaxing! Of course I didn't take any pictures of the kids swimming. I dropped Lena off to spend a couple of days with my mom, bought groceries and came home. Now it's time to get ready for this week.
On the radio they said that the economy is getting better because more people are quitting their jobs. While we were in the recession people were afraid to leave their job because there wasn't much out there and what was available was hard to get. But now people are moving to better positions and companies are hiring and more people quitting is a sign of that. They said for the first time in two years, the number of people who quit their job is higher than the number of people applying for unemployment. So now I ask, when will I be among those people who are quitting their job? All I want to do is be a mommy and a wife and keep my own house. Lena asked me this weekend if we could sew aprons. I would love nothing more than to be able to do those types if things with her. It's just impossible with all this work I have to do....the bank, Papa Bears business and now's sucking the life out of me. So now I get to get ready for the week ahead. I need to get off this blog and quit procrastinating.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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