Wednesday, June 2, 2010

4 Day Holiday

I finally got a few days rest this past weekend and my goodness it was great! I have no pictures to show. I was too tired to take even one!
Saturday was a nice lazy day at home. In the morning Lena and I went to Whataburger and got biscuits with gravy for everyone. The line was looooong so I did take a few photos of her while we waited.

I've been making Papa Bear iced coffee a few times a day lately. With my Keurig it's so easy. So I made myself one too. It could rival Starbucks! Seriously!

I did some cleaning and washing. I dropped Papa Bear off at Serg's house for a party and then I met Lisa and Christine at the theatre to watch Sex and the City 2. I was a little worried with all the bad reviews but it really wasn't THAT bad. The first one was better and this was just too "fantasy" for me. But it was good. After the movie Lisa and I met the guys at Serg's house, ate some shish-kebob and went home. Sunday I planned on going to church but didn't wake up till 930! I felt so bad. Mom came over later and we just hung out for a while. Papa Bear grilled sausage and pork shish-kenobs for us. CC and I made a nice salad and we enjoyed dinner all together that evening. Monday Mom came over and made sausage rolls. While the dough was rising we all went to World Market and Home Goods. I found an adorable tea set I wanted to buy for Gala but Emil called and we had to rush home! Yesterday was my last day off. I woke up at 10:30!! I NEVER sleep that late and I have to admit it felt good!i had to take some pearls to our bead lady. I came home and took a nap from 2-4! I woke up feeling so good and refreshed! Three years at that bank can really exhaust you!
Today after work I stopped by the bead lady's house to pick up the bracelet. We got to talking about clocks and she showed me a clock that she has that is older than the United States! Imagine that!! It is beautiful!!! I plan on taking pictures of it next time I go visit her!
I did take a picture of Charlie and Toby... Fighting! This was right after Charlie felt the urge to bite Toby's behind!

I'm back to my regular workweek and am looking forward to Friday already! Is that bad?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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