Sunday, May 16, 2010

Presents! (B-day, Anniversary, Mothers Day)

I know this post is coming a week late... I'm really trying to catch up. My birthday (Apr 20) and our anniversary (Apr 29) and Mothers Day are all within a couple of weeks of each other. I feel that it would be greedy to expect a gift in each single occassion. Now if the dates were spread out over half the year that would be a different story! But since they are all so close I usually get a nice big gift and then we go out to dinner or make a really nice dinner at home... Sushi! This year on my birthday Papa Bear and the girls took me to Luciano's and it was THE BEST Italian meal I have EVER had!!! I posted about it if you want to see pics. So, for our anniversary Papa Bear showed me what he is making me! Oh! My! Word! It is beautiful! He's short a few stones.. So, so far the ring isn't finished.

It's not polished up so you really can't see how very pretty it is... Or how pretty it will be!

I just hope he remembers to order the remaining stones and finishes it! I can hardly wait to wear it!
For Mothers Day the girls bought me this super wonderful candle!

It has such a soft subtle scent. I love it!! My other gift took some looking to find!

If any of you watch the Real Housewives of New Jersey, then you KNOW Teresa... a.k.a the table flipper! She just published her Skinny Italian cookbook full of recpies for great Italian food that's healthy for you and tastes amazing! My next post will be completely devoted to this cook book. It is so informative and I have really learned alot! I can't wait to share it all with you!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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