Friday, March 26, 2010

Last Week Catch-Up

Wow... I was getting ready to post my Pink Saturday post and I saw that I haven't posted since last Saturday. That's pretty sad. This last week end my girls went out of town with my Mom to Hallettsville. They were helping my Mom babysit my nieces while their mom went to the Coushatta casino. CC did NOT want to go. We ended up having to pay her to go help my mom but in the end she had a wonderful time and misses her little cousins. They were so excited about all the wildflower there and the neighbors horse that roams about freely. I found out all about their dogs and how they play. I found about the stray cat that Arianna is not very nice to. There were a couple of scary stories and I heard about all of those too.
Sooo, what did I do those four days they were gone?

Mostly hang out with Charlie and sleep, sleep, sleep.

I don't think I have ever slept that much in the past several years... Well, I guess since I've had children! Everyday when I got home from work I took a quick nap. It was soooo nice. When they got back Mom told me hasn't seen me so rested in a long time. I hadn't been rested in a long time. I was ready to check myself into Laurel Ridge just so I could get some rest! Haha! I was really at a breaking point and that little break couldn't have come at a better time.

Thursday night I met Lisa for burgers at EZ's. It was nothing compared to Nic's restaurant. Friday Papa Bear and I were planning to go on a date since the girls were gone and we decided to do it right and go to Nic's!
Now THIS is a Swiss and mushroom burger!

Papa Bear had the Managers Special....waffle fries with queso, guacamole, Philly cheese steak and jalepenos! It was superb and I want to order it next time!

After we ate I felt bad because I knew that was so very unhealthy for us. I'm trying to get us to eat better. I don't want to sat "diet" because then I will automatically fail. I think just adopting healthier eating habits will help out.... It surely can't hurt!

I also noticed that my grapevine is starting to make leaves! I'm do excited!!

Look at this little bud. This was taken last Friday. You should see it today!

I told Papa Bear I plan to make dolmas this summer with the grape leaves. But it will be a while...

Saturday my girls came home after lots if confusion. I was supposed to pick them up in Mom's car bur she took her car remote with her and I couldn't make the alarm shut off. I thought once the key was in the ignition the alarm would quit. I was wrong. The engine was locked. The alarm wouldn't stop. I wad waking up her neighbors. It was a mess! Finally my niece brought them home and the girls were so happy to be back. I missed them to. It was nice to enjoy the quiet. And be able to rest and sleep when I wanted to and to have my house stay clean.....but.... It was even better to have their laughter and hugs and stories. I don't think I can be away from them that long again. I was really missing them and getting lonely. But Emil and I did decide that we need that one on one time sometimes. I look forward to a date night with my Papa Bear!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. My sis lives near Phoenix and she told me yesterday that her grapevine has little baby grapes on it already! How fun.
