Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Changes.. A New Chapter Begins

I hate being so sentimental about dumb things. For instance, when my department moved locations, to a new, bigger and much nicer location I got all sentimental, like this is the last time I will push my chair under this desk or this is the last time I will put my code in this door, the last time I will buy a soda from this machine.... you get the point, just stupid dumb things. I look back now and I cannot remember what it felt like or much more what it even looked like because it simply wasn't important. Well, Papa Bear decided to move his shop to another area more convienent to his store. So today we took the very last load out and closed the door on his old shop. I had to walk through it one more time before though. I had to look at each corner, each decoration, each empty shelf.... I don't know why. I had to stop myself from taking a picture of his business plate on the door. I asked him if he felt sad...he said not at all. But me.... it was kind of hard. This was his first business adventure on his own. He did all the work by himself... his sweat, our tears... we made it work. And he still has the business... I am thankful...it's just now in a different office building. I'm sure we will make new memories there... and aside from a few special moments..I can't really think of anything truly exciting happening at the old shop. I can remember some arguements and tense moments...not even sure what they were about though. So anyway, that chapter of our life is closed and a new one begins. And I must say... I'm excited about it. I feel it will be a positive change. He seems more relaxed already.
Our dentist is in the same office building that the old shop was in. Both girls had to get their cleanings. I love, love, love my dentist by the way. CC was acting all scared and made Lena go first. Lena was a trooper...as you can tell by the photo. (Taken with my phone, so I'm not sure about the quality). CC did well once she got in the chair, but only because I left. I have found that if I don't sit with her when she is in the chair she gets a little stronger. If I'm there, this 13 year old suddenly becomes 3 and it gets embarassing! Mom took the girls for their flu shot a couple of years ago. Lena sat down, got her and said "Ow.' CC... took off running around the room. The nurse, my mom and Lena had to hold her down!
After the dentist we were all starved and Emil decided to go to Nic's new restaurant to have dinner. I had never been before and it was super good! CC was still mad about the dentist and said she wasn't hungry. However, half way there she asked me if she could wear her heels. (Yes, she keeps a pair of heels in my back seat!) I told her of course....if she will eat. Her face immediately lit up and she was singing! That's all it took for her to forgive me for taking her to the dentist! Imagine that!
Lena enjoyed a mushroom and swiss angus burger. CC had chicken nuggets, Emil had a bacon and cheese angus and I had the phillycheesesteak. Thumbs up! It was great!
On the way to the restaurant I was thinking about my last walk through at the old shop and suprisingly I couldn't remember much. Really... it just didn't seem as important compared to what lies ahead of us.... then.... Jodey Mesina's "Bring on the Rain" played on the radio. This song has really put things into perspective for me....it helped carry me through many rough periods in my past few years. We lost two major accounts and it terrified me. I was scared, crying, nervous and worried. Then I played this song and I thought about the lyrics, "A single battle lost, but not the war/ 'Cause tomorrow's another day/ And I am not afraid/ So bring on the rain" And it's true. These were only set backs for something much grander...much better... it brought our family together. It hurt financially, yes, but it did not break us. It made us appreciate what we have more, taking nothing for granted. It gave us more time with our family and I see how much our family has grown through it. Isn't that what it's all about? It seemed appropriate that this song came on as we moved our shop location. It's scary but it's a new beginning. I'm excited to see what lays ahead. And I'm happy to do this with Emil, right by his side, falling when he falls, standing when he stands and holding his hand when he's down. I am so happy he's my partner in life and in love. And I'm happy to close the chapter on that old shop....it had lots of mold anyway!

1 comment:

  1. Change can be painful; I don't do well with most of them. But new beginnings are exciting and I wish you the best.
